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Updated 7 days ago
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COVID-19 Hospital Data Coverage for Hospital in Suspense

This report shows facilities currently in suspense regarding CoP requirements due to being in a work plan or other related reasons is shown if any facilities are currently in suspense. These CCNs will not be included in the tab listing all other hospitals or included in any summary counts while in suspense.<br>

01/05/2024 – As of FAQ 6, the following optional fields have been added to this report:

<li>total_adult_patients_hospitalized_confirmed_influenza<li>total_pediatric_patients_hospitalized_confirmed_influenza<li>previous_day_admission_adult_influenza_confirmed<li>previous_day_admission_pediatric_influenza_confirmed<li>staffed_icu_adult_patients_confirmed_influenza<li>staffed_icu_pediatric_patients_confirmed_influenza<li>total_adult_patients_hospitalized_confirmed_rsv<li>total_pediatric_patients_hospitalized_confirmed_rsv<li>previous_day_admission_adult_rsv_confirmed<li>previous_day_admission_pediatric_rsv_confirmed<li>staffed_icu_adult_patients_confirmed_rsv<li>staffed_icu_pediatric_patients_confirmed_rsv<li>6/17/2023 - With the new 28-day compliance reporting period, CoP reports will be posted <b>every 4 weeks</b>.</li><li>9/12/2021 - To view other COVID-19 Hospital Data Coverage datasets, follow this link to view summary page: </li>

As of FAQ3, the following field are federally inactive and will no longer be included in this report:


Querying over HTTP

Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:

curl \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
{"sql": "
    SELECT *
    FROM \"healthdata-gov/covid19-hospital-data-coverage-for-hospital-in-a6za-z3xi\".\"covid19_hospital_data_coverage_for_hospital_in\"
    LIMIT 100 

See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.

  • covid19_hospital_data_coverage_for_hospital_in
Upstream Metadata