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Query the Data Delivery Network

Query the DDN

The easiest way to query any data on Splitgraph is via the "Data Delivery Network" (DDN). The DDN is a single endpoint that speaks the PostgreSQL wire protocol. Any Splitgraph user can connect to it at and query any version of over 40,000 datasets that are hosted or proxied by Splitgraph.

For example, you can query the baseline_survey_for_an_impact_evaluation_of_the table in this repository, by referencing it like:


or in a full query, like:

    ":id", -- Socrata column ID
    "shock_inability_to_plant", -- Did your household experience inability to plant crop due to lack of seeds, lack of plowing services, insecurity, etc in the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_other_event_response", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to any other event, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 1 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "credit_moneylender", -- Did you ask for credit from a moneylender during the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_dairy_products", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any cheese, yoghurt, or other milk products? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "engage_in_planting_secondary", -- Who is the second person to engage in planting? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "shock_death_of_hh_member_2", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to death of a household member, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 1 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "nutrition_c2_oil_fats_butter", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any any oil, fats, or butter, or foods made with any of these? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "business_1_costs", -- During the last year, how much have you spent in total on the purchase of inputs (like labor, raw materials, electricity etc.)? 1 (Missing: -99)
    "credit_other_institution_2", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from another institution (specify)? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "nutrition_c5_seafood", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any fresh or dried fish, shellfish, or seafood? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_seafood", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any fresh or dried fish, shellfish, or seafood? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_beans_peas_lenils", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any any foods made from beans, peas, lentils, nuts or seeds? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "business_4_employment_amt", -- Excluding household members, how many people did this enterprise employ in the past year (12 months)? 4 (Missing: -99)
    "credit_ngo_loan_duration", -- What was is the duration of the loan to the NGO? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_friend_or_relative_1", -- What was the value of the total amount borrowed from a friend or relative during the last 12 months? (Missing: -99)
    "engage_in_planting_method", -- Who is the second person to engage in method of planting (rows, broadcast, number of seeds per hole)? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "nutrition_c2_green_leafy", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any any dark green leafy vegetable such as cowbean leaves (korfolubia), pumpkin leaves (korfubonjo), cassava leaves (gadia), kodura.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "limited_food_variety", -- In the past 4 weeks, did you or any household member have to eat a limited variety of foods due to a lack of resources? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "nutrition_c2", -- Child 2 ID Code (Missing: -99)
    "credit_contractor", -- Did you ask for credit from a contractor supplier during the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_fire_theft_or_loss_4", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to fire, theft or loss of property, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 3 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_violence_crime_response", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to victim of violence crime, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 1 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "business_5_type", -- Business 5 Code (Cultivators: 11, Farmers: 12, Cattle Sheep Goat Rearing (Livestock): 13, Fishing: 14, Lumbering: 15, Agricultural Laborers: 16, Hunters: 17, Dairying: 18, Other Agriculture: 10, Stone Cutters And Carvers (Masons).: 21, Brick Producers, Bricklayers, Carrying Mud And Other Constructions Workers.: 22, Tobacco Preparers (Saud Makers) And Tobacco Product Makers: 23, Charcoal Producers: 24, Tailors, Dress Makers, Sewers, Upholsterers, Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers And Related Workers: 25, Cobbler; Shoe Makers And Leather Goods Makers.: 26, Carpenters, Cabinet And Related Wood Workers.: 27, Blacksmith; Goldsmith.: 28, Brewers (Production Of Local Brew): 29, Other: Miners, Quarrymen, Well Drillers; Wood Paper Preparation; Chemical Processors And Related Workers; Tool Makers And Machine Tool Operators; Machinery Fitters, Machine Assemblers And Precision Instrument Makers, Jewellery And Precious Metal Workers And Metal Engravers (Except Printing); Glass Formers, Potters And Related Workers; Paper And Paper Board Products Makers; Printing And Related Workers; Other Production And Related Workers: 20, Servants; Waiters: 31, Sweepers, Cleaners; Building Caretakers.: 32, Barbers, Beauticians; Hair Dressers: 33, Launderers (Dhobi) Dry-Cleaners And Pressers.: 34, Petty Traders; Small Shop-Owners ( 10 Employees): 35, Big Shop Owner ( 10 Employees): 36, Transport Workers; Drivers; Tractor Owner; Auto Owner.: 37, Bicycle Motorcycle Auto Mechanics.: 38, Priest Religious Workers Imam: 39, Other: Hotel And Restaurant Keepers; Money Lenders, Electrical Workers.: 30, Teacher Lecturer Headmaster: 41, Health Professional; Doctor; Nurse, Midwife, Community Health Worker.: 42, Other: Scientific, And Technical Persons, Poets, Authors, Journalists And Related Workers; Sculptors, Painters, Photographers And Related Creative Artists, Composers And Performing Artists: 40, Boma Administrator Chief: 51, Clerk Administrative: Private: 52, Clerk Administrative: Government: 53, Other: Elected And Legislative Officials; Working Proprietors.: 50, Housewife: 61, Student: 62, Work Completed As Part Of Project Led By Ngo Or International Organisation.: 63, Unemployed: 64, Other: Anything That Is Not Classified Under Divisions 1-5 (Including Military Without Other Occupation Speciality And Police Officers): 60)
    "nutrition_c7_food_from_roots", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any white potatoes, white yams, cassava, other local root crops or other foods made from roots.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "business_2", -- Did your household run any other kinds of businesses? If so, what kind of business? 2 (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c5_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any any meat such as beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken or duck? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_severe_illness_or_injury_1", -- Did severe illness or injury seriously affect your normal living conditions? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "limited_food_types", -- In the past 4 weeks, were you or any household member not able to eat the kinds of foods you preferred because of a lack of resources? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "business_6_type", -- Business 6 Code (Cultivators: 11, Farmers: 12, Cattle Sheep Goat Rearing (Livestock): 13, Fishing: 14, Lumbering: 15, Agricultural Laborers: 16, Hunters: 17, Dairying: 18, Other Agriculture: 10, Stone Cutters And Carvers (Masons).: 21, Brick Producers, Bricklayers, Carrying Mud And Other Constructions Workers.: 22, Tobacco Preparers (Saud Makers) And Tobacco Product Makers: 23, Charcoal Producers: 24, Tailors, Dress Makers, Sewers, Upholsterers, Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers And Related Workers: 25, Cobbler; Shoe Makers And Leather Goods Makers.: 26, Carpenters, Cabinet And Related Wood Workers.: 27, Blacksmith; Goldsmith.: 28, Brewers (Production Of Local Brew): 29, Other: Miners, Quarrymen, Well Drillers; Wood Paper Preparation; Chemical Processors And Related Workers; Tool Makers And Machine Tool Operators; Machinery Fitters, Machine Assemblers And Precision Instrument Makers, Jewellery And Precious Metal Workers And Metal Engravers (Except Printing); Glass Formers, Potters And Related Workers; Paper And Paper Board Products Makers; Printing And Related Workers; Other Production And Related Workers: 20, Servants; Waiters: 31, Sweepers, Cleaners; Building Caretakers.: 32, Barbers, Beauticians; Hair Dressers: 33, Launderers (Dhobi) Dry-Cleaners And Pressers.: 34, Petty Traders; Small Shop-Owners ( 10 Employees): 35, Big Shop Owner ( 10 Employees): 36, Transport Workers; Drivers; Tractor Owner; Auto Owner.: 37, Bicycle Motorcycle Auto Mechanics.: 38, Priest Religious Workers Imam: 39, Other: Hotel And Restaurant Keepers; Money Lenders, Electrical Workers.: 30, Teacher Lecturer Headmaster: 41, Health Professional; Doctor; Nurse, Midwife, Community Health Worker.: 42, Other: Scientific, And Technical Persons, Poets, Authors, Journalists And Related Workers; Sculptors, Painters, Photographers And Related Creative Artists, Composers And Performing Artists: 40, Boma Administrator Chief: 51, Clerk Administrative: Private: 52, Clerk Administrative: Government: 53, Other: Elected And Legislative Officials; Working Proprietors.: 50, Housewife: 61, Student: 62, Work Completed As Part Of Project Led By Ngo Or International Organisation.: 63, Unemployed: 64, Other: Anything That Is Not Classified Under Divisions 1-5 (Including Military Without Other Occupation Speciality And Police Officers): 60)
    "business_6_employment_amt", -- Excluding household members, how many people did this enterprise employ in the past year (12 months)? 6 (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c8_vitamin_a_rich", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any ripe mangoes, ripe papayas or other local vitamin A rich food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_livestock_died_response_2", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to livestock died, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 3 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "business_3_type", -- Business 3 Code (Cultivators: 11, Farmers: 12, Cattle Sheep Goat Rearing (Livestock): 13, Fishing: 14, Lumbering: 15, Agricultural Laborers: 16, Hunters: 17, Dairying: 18, Other Agriculture: 10, Stone Cutters And Carvers (Masons).: 21, Brick Producers, Bricklayers, Carrying Mud And Other Constructions Workers.: 22, Tobacco Preparers (Saud Makers) And Tobacco Product Makers: 23, Charcoal Producers: 24, Tailors, Dress Makers, Sewers, Upholsterers, Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers And Related Workers: 25, Cobbler; Shoe Makers And Leather Goods Makers.: 26, Carpenters, Cabinet And Related Wood Workers.: 27, Blacksmith; Goldsmith.: 28, Brewers (Production Of Local Brew): 29, Other: Miners, Quarrymen, Well Drillers; Wood Paper Preparation; Chemical Processors And Related Workers; Tool Makers And Machine Tool Operators; Machinery Fitters, Machine Assemblers And Precision Instrument Makers, Jewellery And Precious Metal Workers And Metal Engravers (Except Printing); Glass Formers, Potters And Related Workers; Paper And Paper Board Products Makers; Printing And Related Workers; Other Production And Related Workers: 20, Servants; Waiters: 31, Sweepers, Cleaners; Building Caretakers.: 32, Barbers, Beauticians; Hair Dressers: 33, Launderers (Dhobi) Dry-Cleaners And Pressers.: 34, Petty Traders; Small Shop-Owners ( 10 Employees): 35, Big Shop Owner ( 10 Employees): 36, Transport Workers; Drivers; Tractor Owner; Auto Owner.: 37, Bicycle Motorcycle Auto Mechanics.: 38, Priest Religious Workers Imam: 39, Other: Hotel And Restaurant Keepers; Money Lenders, Electrical Workers.: 30, Teacher Lecturer Headmaster: 41, Health Professional; Doctor; Nurse, Midwife, Community Health Worker.: 42, Other: Scientific, And Technical Persons, Poets, Authors, Journalists And Related Workers; Sculptors, Painters, Photographers And Related Creative Artists, Composers And Performing Artists: 40, Boma Administrator Chief: 51, Clerk Administrative: Private: 52, Clerk Administrative: Government: 53, Other: Elected And Legislative Officials; Working Proprietors.: 50, Housewife: 61, Student: 62, Work Completed As Part Of Project Led By Ngo Or International Organisation.: 63, Unemployed: 64, Other: Anything That Is Not Classified Under Divisions 1-5 (Including Military Without Other Occupation Speciality And Police Officers): 60)
    "credit_other_institution_4", -- What was the total amount to be repaid to another institution (specify)? (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c2_foods_with_red", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any foods made with red palm oil (zedbiro), red palm nut, or red palm nut pulp sauce? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_sugary_food", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any any sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, cakes or biscuits? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_severe_illness_or_injury", -- Did your household experience severe illness or injury in the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "business_operated", -- Over the past 12 months, has anyone in your household operated any non-agricultural enterprise which produces goods or services (for example, artisan, tailoring, repair work) or has anyone in your household owned a shop or operated a trading business? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "business_4_type", -- Business 4 Code (Cultivators: 11, Farmers: 12, Cattle Sheep Goat Rearing (Livestock): 13, Fishing: 14, Lumbering: 15, Agricultural Laborers: 16, Hunters: 17, Dairying: 18, Other Agriculture: 10, Stone Cutters And Carvers (Masons).: 21, Brick Producers, Bricklayers, Carrying Mud And Other Constructions Workers.: 22, Tobacco Preparers (Saud Makers) And Tobacco Product Makers: 23, Charcoal Producers: 24, Tailors, Dress Makers, Sewers, Upholsterers, Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers And Related Workers: 25, Cobbler; Shoe Makers And Leather Goods Makers.: 26, Carpenters, Cabinet And Related Wood Workers.: 27, Blacksmith; Goldsmith.: 28, Brewers (Production Of Local Brew): 29, Other: Miners, Quarrymen, Well Drillers; Wood Paper Preparation; Chemical Processors And Related Workers; Tool Makers And Machine Tool Operators; Machinery Fitters, Machine Assemblers And Precision Instrument Makers, Jewellery And Precious Metal Workers And Metal Engravers (Except Printing); Glass Formers, Potters And Related Workers; Paper And Paper Board Products Makers; Printing And Related Workers; Other Production And Related Workers: 20, Servants; Waiters: 31, Sweepers, Cleaners; Building Caretakers.: 32, Barbers, Beauticians; Hair Dressers: 33, Launderers (Dhobi) Dry-Cleaners And Pressers.: 34, Petty Traders; Small Shop-Owners ( 10 Employees): 35, Big Shop Owner ( 10 Employees): 36, Transport Workers; Drivers; Tractor Owner; Auto Owner.: 37, Bicycle Motorcycle Auto Mechanics.: 38, Priest Religious Workers Imam: 39, Other: Hotel And Restaurant Keepers; Money Lenders, Electrical Workers.: 30, Teacher Lecturer Headmaster: 41, Health Professional; Doctor; Nurse, Midwife, Community Health Worker.: 42, Other: Scientific, And Technical Persons, Poets, Authors, Journalists And Related Workers; Sculptors, Painters, Photographers And Related Creative Artists, Composers And Performing Artists: 40, Boma Administrator Chief: 51, Clerk Administrative: Private: 52, Clerk Administrative: Government: 53, Other: Elected And Legislative Officials; Working Proprietors.: 50, Housewife: 61, Student: 62, Work Completed As Part Of Project Led By Ngo Or International Organisation.: 63, Unemployed: 64, Other: Anything That Is Not Classified Under Divisions 1-5 (Including Military Without Other Occupation Speciality And Police Officers): 60)
    "business_4_yr_started", -- When did you start this business? 4 (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c2_sugary_food", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any any sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, cakes or biscuits? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c5_sugary_food", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any any sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, cakes or biscuits? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_sugary_food", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any any sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, cakes or biscuits? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c1_condiments", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any condiments for flavor such as chilies, spices, herbs, or fish powder? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c2_condiments", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any condiments for flavor such as chilies, spices, herbs, or fish powder? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_condiments", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any condiments for flavor such as chilies, spices, herbs, or fish powder? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c1_foods_with_red", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any foods made with red palm oil (zedbiro), red palm nut, or red palm nut pulp sauce? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_foods_with_red", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any foods made with red palm oil (zedbiro), red palm nut, or red palm nut pulp sauce? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_foods_with_red", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any foods made with red palm oil (zedbiro), red palm nut, or red palm nut pulp sauce? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "fear_lack_of_food", -- In the past 4 weeks, did you worry that your household would not have enough food? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "undesirable_food_eaten", -- In the past 4 weeks, did you or any household member have to eat some foods that you really did not want to eat because of a lack of resources to obtain other types of food? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "smaller_meals", -- In the past 4 weeks, did you or any household member have to eat a smaller meal than you felt you needed because there was not enough food? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "nutrition_c7_sugary_food", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any any sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, cakes or biscuits? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_vitamin_a_rich", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any ripe mangoes, ripe papayas or other local vitamin A rich food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_ngo_repayment_amt", -- What was the total amount to be repaid to a NGO? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_friend_or_relative", -- Did you ask for credit from a friend or relative during the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "business_2_costs", -- During the last year, how much have you spent in total on the purchase of inputs (like labor, raw materials, electricity etc.)? 2 (Missing: -99)
    "credit_moneylender_payments", -- Have you been able to repay the loan on schedule to the moneylender? (Yes: 1, No: 2, Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "nutrition_c3_green_leafy", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any any dark green leafy vegetable such as cowbean leaves (korfolubia), pumpkin leaves (korfubonjo), cassava leaves (gadia), kodura.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_other_event_response_2", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to any other event, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 3 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "nutrition_c5_dairy_products", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any cheese, yoghurt, or other milk products? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_other_institution_3", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from another institution (specify)? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "shock_fire_theft_or_loss", -- Did your household experience fire, theft or loss of property in the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_microfinance_reason_1", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a microfinance institution? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "decisions_on_secondary_other", -- Other secondary decision maker (Missing: -99)
    "shock_other_event_affect", -- Did any other event seriously affect your normal living conditions? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "engage_in_crop_sales_secondary", -- Who is the second person to engage in where to sell crops ? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "business_5_costs", -- During the last year, how much have you spent in total on the purchase of inputs (like labor, raw materials, electricity etc.)? 5 (Missing: -99)
    "shock_crop_failure_reason", -- What was the reason for the crop failure? 1 (Drought No Water: 1, Pests: 2, Problems With Seeds: 3, Problems With Fertilizer: 4, Delay From Service Providers: 5, Flood Heavy Rains: 6, Insecurity: 7, Monkeys Wild Life: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_response_other_1", -- Other responses to shock (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c3_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any any meat such as beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken or duck? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_foods_with_red", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any foods made with red palm oil (zedbiro), red palm nut, or red palm nut pulp sauce? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_bank_reason_1", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a bank? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "nutrition_c7_beans_peas_lenils", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any any foods made from beans, peas, lentils, nuts or seeds? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_moneylender_reason_1", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a moneylender? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "nutrition_c1_beans_peas_lenils", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any any foods made from beans, peas, lentils, nuts or seeds? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any any meat such as beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken or duck? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_grain_millers", -- Did you ask for credit from a grain millers during the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "business_5", -- Did your household run any other kinds of businesses? If so, what kind of business? 5 (Missing: -99)
    "credit_local_traders_payments", -- Have you been able to repay the loan on schedule to the local traders? (Yes: 1, No: 2, Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "nutrition_c8", -- Child 8 ID Code (Missing: -99)
    "engage_in_fertilizer_secondary", -- Who is the second person to engage in whether to use fertilizer? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "nutrition_c6_organ_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_friend_or_relative_2", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a friend or relative? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_microfinance_reason", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a microfinance institution? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "business_6", -- Did your household run any other kinds of businesses? If so, what kind of business? 6 (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c8_sugary_food", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any any sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, cakes or biscuits? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_beans_peas_lenils", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any any foods made from beans, peas, lentils, nuts or seeds? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_other_fruits", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any any other fruits or vegetables? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any any meat such as beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken or duck? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_eggs", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any eggs? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_other_fruits", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any any other fruits or vegetables? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6", -- Child 6 ID Code (Missing: -99)
    "shock_severe_illness_or_injury_4", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to severe illness or injury, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 3 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "business_6_costs", -- During the last year, how much have you spent in total on the purchase of inputs (like labor, raw materials, electricity etc.)? 6 (Missing: -99)
    "business_5_employment_amt", -- Excluding household members, how many people did this enterprise employ in the past year (12 months)? 5 (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c4_oil_fats_butter", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any any oil, fats, or butter, or foods made with any of these? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_beans_peas_lenils", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any any foods made from beans, peas, lentils, nuts or seeds? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_condiments", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any condiments for flavor such as chilies, spices, herbs, or fish powder? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c1", -- Child 1 ID Code (Missing: -99)
    "credit_contractor_repayment", -- What was the total amount to be repaid to a contractor supplier? (Missing: -99)
    "business_4_revenue", -- During the last year (12 months), how much money has the business received from the sales of its products, goods or services? 4 (Missing: -99)
    "shock_lost_regular_joq7_2", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to lost regular job, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 3 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "business_4", -- Did your household run any other kinds of businesses? If so, what kind of business? 4 (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c4_eggs", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any eggs? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_landlord_repayment", -- What was the total amount to be repaid to a landlord? (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c2_eggs", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any eggs? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_other_reason", -- Other reason for borrowing (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c1_sugary_food", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any any sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, cakes or biscuits? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_dairy_products", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any cheese, yoghurt, or other milk products? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c5_condiments", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any condiments for flavor such as chilies, spices, herbs, or fish powder? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "food_shortage_acute_3", -- During the last 12 months, in which months was the food shortage most acute? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "nutrition_c5_eggs", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any eggs? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_ngo_payments_on", -- Have you been able to repay the loan on schedule to the NGO? (Yes: 1, No: 2, Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_local_traders_repayment", -- What was the total amount to be repaid to local traders? (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c2_grain", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any food made from grains, such as posho, kisera, chiappati, bread, rice, porridge or other grain food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_oil_fats_butter", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any any oil, fats, or butter, or foods made with any of these? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "business_3_yr_started", -- When did you start this business? 3 (Missing: -99)
    "credit_bank_loan_duration", -- What was is the duration of the loan to the bank? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_landlord_reason_1", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a landlord? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "nutrition_c6_grain", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any food made from grains, such as posho, kisera, chiappati, bread, rice, porridge or other grain food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_other_fruits", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any any other fruits or vegetables? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_contractor_reason_1", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a contractor supplier? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "business_5_yr_started", -- When did you start this business? 5 (Missing: -99)
    "credit_bank", -- Did you ask for credit from a bank during the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_foods_with_red", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any foods made with red palm oil (zedbiro), red palm nut, or red palm nut pulp sauce? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c2_vitamin_a_rich", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any ripe mangoes, ripe papayas or other local vitamin A rich food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_response_other_2", -- Other responses to shock (Missing: -99)
    "business_2_employment_amt", -- Excluding household members, how many people did this enterprise employ in the past year (12 months)? 2 (Missing: -99)
    "credit_friend_or_relative_5", -- What was is the duration of the loan to the friend or relative? (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c4_yellow_orange", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any pumpkin, carrots, suguma, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside, or other local yellow orange foods? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c1_oil_fats_butter", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any any oil, fats, or butter, or foods made with any of these? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_local_traders", -- Did you ask for credit from a local traders during the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_microfinance", -- Did you ask for credit from a microfinance institution during the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c7_green_leafy", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any any dark green leafy vegetable such as cowbean leaves (korfolubia), pumpkin leaves (korfubonjo), cassava leaves (gadia), kodura.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_seafood", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any fresh or dried fish, shellfish, or seafood? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_moneylender_reason", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a moneylender? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_ngo_value", -- What was the value of the total amount borrowed from a NGO during the last 12 months? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_microfinance_repayment", -- What was the total amount to be repaid to a microfinance institution? (Missing: -99)
    "business_1_employment_amt", -- Excluding household members, how many people did this enterprise employ in the past year (12 months)? 1 (Missing: -99)
    "credit_landlord", -- Did you ask for credit from a landlord during the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_food_from_roots", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any white potatoes, white yams, cassava, other local root crops or other foods made from roots.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_fire_theft_or_loss_1", -- Did fire, theft or loss of property seriously affect your normal living conditions? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c5_organ_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_response_other_3", -- Other responses to shock (Missing: -99)
    "credit_local_traders_reason_1", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a local traders? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "shock_crop_failure_reason_2", -- Other reasons for crop failuer (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c2_beans_peas_lenils", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any any foods made from beans, peas, lentils, nuts or seeds? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c7_condiments", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any condiments for flavor such as chilies, spices, herbs, or fish powder? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_crop_failure_affect", -- Did crop failure seriously affect your normal living conditions? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "business_5_revenue", -- During the last year (12 months), how much money has the business received from the sales of its products, goods or services? 5 (Missing: -99)
    "shock_lost_regular_joq7_affect", -- Did lost regular job seriously affect your normal living conditions? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "business_3_costs", -- During the last year, how much have you spent in total on the purchase of inputs (like labor, raw materials, electricity etc.)? 3 (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c7_grain", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any food made from grains, such as posho, kisera, chiappati, bread, rice, porridge or other grain food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_ngo", -- Did you ask for credit from a NGO during the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_lost_regular_job", -- Did your household experience lost regular job in the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "business_6_revenue", -- During the last year (12 months), how much money has the business received from the sales of its products, goods or services? 6 (Missing: -99)
    "fewer_meals", -- In the past 4 weeks, did you or any household member have to eat fewer meals in a day because there was not enough food? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "credit_local_traders_value", -- What was the value of the total amount borrowed from a local traders during the last 12 months? (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c3_dairy_products", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any cheese, yoghurt, or other milk products? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "food_shortage_acute_1", -- During the last 12 months, in which months was the food shortage most acute? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "nutrition_c7_foods_with_red", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any foods made with red palm oil (zedbiro), red palm nut, or red palm nut pulp sauce? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any any meat such as beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken or duck? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_grain_millers_reason", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a grain millers? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "nutrition_c1_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any any meat such as beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken or duck? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_contractor_value", -- What was the value of the total amount borrowed from a contractor supplier during the last 12 months? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_grain_millers_loan", -- What was is the duration of the loan to the grain millers? (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c2_yellow_orange", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any pumpkin, carrots, suguma, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside, or other local yellow orange foods? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_condiments", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any condiments for flavor such as chilies, spices, herbs, or fish powder? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "engage_in_harvesting_secondary", -- Who is the second person to engage in harvesting? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "credit_local_traders_loan", -- What was is the duration of the loan to the local traders? (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c5_food_from_roots", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any white potatoes, white yams, cassava, other local root crops or other foods made from roots.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_beans_peas_lenils", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any any foods made from beans, peas, lentils, nuts or seeds? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_food_from_roots", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any white potatoes, white yams, cassava, other local root crops or other foods made from roots.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_sugary_food", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any any sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, cakes or biscuits? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c5_foods_with_red", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any foods made with red palm oil (zedbiro), red palm nut, or red palm nut pulp sauce? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "engage_in_shelling_primary", -- Who is the primary person to engage in shelling? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "credit_bank_repayment_amt", -- What was the total amount to be repaid to a bank? (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c1_dairy_products", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any cheese, yoghurt, or other milk products? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "_24hrs_without_food", -- In the past 4 weeks, did you or any household member go a whole day and night without eating anything because there was not enough food? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "nutrition_c7", -- Child 7 ID Code (Missing: -99)
    "business_6_yr_started", -- When did you start this business? 6 (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c7_dairy_products", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any cheese, yoghurt, or other milk products? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_friend_or_relative_6", -- Have you been able to repay the loan on schedule to the friend or relative? (Yes: 1, No: 2, Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "nutrition_c5_oil_fats_butter", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any any oil, fats, or butter, or foods made with any of these? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c1_other_fruits", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any any other fruits or vegetables? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_eggs", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any eggs? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_oil_fats_butter", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any any oil, fats, or butter, or foods made with any of these? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_violence_crime_affect", -- Did victim of violence crime seriously affect your normal living conditions? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_condiments", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any condiments for flavor such as chilies, spices, herbs, or fish powder? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "engage_in_shelling_secondary", -- Who is the second person to engage in shelling? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "sleep_hungry", -- In the past 4 weeks, did you or any household member go to sleep at night hungry because there was not enough food? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "engage_in_weeding_primary", -- Who is the primary person to engage in weeding ? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_harvesting_primary", -- Who is the primary person to engage in harvesting? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_local_market_primary", -- Who is the primary person to engage in taking farm products to the local market? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_farther_market", -- Who is the primary person to engage in taking farm products to farther market? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_buying_supplies", -- Who is the primary person to engage in buying farm supplies (seeds, etc)? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_written_records", -- Who is the primary person to engage in keeping written records of farming activities? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_crops_secondary", -- Who is the second person to engage in choice of crops to plant? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_seed_type_secondary", -- Who is the second person to engage in type of seeds to use? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_timing_secondary", -- Who is the second person to engage in timing of planting and harvesting? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_crop_storage", -- Who is the second person to engage in how to store crops after harvest? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_plowing_secondary", -- Who is the second person to engage in plowing? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_weeding_secondary", -- Who is the second person to engage in weeding ? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_local_market", -- Who is the second person to engage in taking farm products to the local market? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_farther_market_1", -- Who is the second person to engage in taking farm products to farther market? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_buying_supplies_1", -- Who is the second person to engage in buying farm supplies (seeds, etc)? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "engage_in_written_records_1", -- Who is the second person to engage in keeping written records of farming activities? (Hh Head: 1, Spouse: 2, Male Adults (Age 15 ): 3, Female Adults (Age 15 ): 4, Male Children Age 0-15: 5, Female Children Age 0-15: 6, Other (Specify): 7)
    "decisions_on_primary_other", -- Other primary decision maker (Missing: -99)
    "egnage_in_primary_other", -- Other primary person to engage (Missing: -99)
    "engage_in_secondary_other", -- Other secondary person to engage (Missing: -99)
    "business_1", -- What kind of business does your household operate? 1 (Missing: -99)
    "business_3", -- Did your household run any other kinds of businesses? If so, what kind of business? 3 (Missing: -99)
    "business_1_type", -- Business 1 Code (Cultivators: 11, Farmers: 12, Cattle Sheep Goat Rearing (Livestock): 13, Fishing: 14, Lumbering: 15, Agricultural Laborers: 16, Hunters: 17, Dairying: 18, Other Agriculture: 10, Stone Cutters And Carvers (Masons).: 21, Brick Producers, Bricklayers, Carrying Mud And Other Constructions Workers.: 22, Tobacco Preparers (Saud Makers) And Tobacco Product Makers: 23, Charcoal Producers: 24, Tailors, Dress Makers, Sewers, Upholsterers, Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers And Related Workers: 25, Cobbler; Shoe Makers And Leather Goods Makers.: 26, Carpenters, Cabinet And Related Wood Workers.: 27, Blacksmith; Goldsmith.: 28, Brewers (Production Of Local Brew): 29, Other: Miners, Quarrymen, Well Drillers; Wood Paper Preparation; Chemical Processors And Related Workers; Tool Makers And Machine Tool Operators; Machinery Fitters, Machine Assemblers And Precision Instrument Makers, Jewellery And Precious Metal Workers And Metal Engravers (Except Printing); Glass Formers, Potters And Related Workers; Paper And Paper Board Products Makers; Printing And Related Workers; Other Production And Related Workers: 20, Servants; Waiters: 31, Sweepers, Cleaners; Building Caretakers.: 32, Barbers, Beauticians; Hair Dressers: 33, Launderers (Dhobi) Dry-Cleaners And Pressers.: 34, Petty Traders; Small Shop-Owners ( 10 Employees): 35, Big Shop Owner ( 10 Employees): 36, Transport Workers; Drivers; Tractor Owner; Auto Owner.: 37, Bicycle Motorcycle Auto Mechanics.: 38, Priest Religious Workers Imam: 39, Other: Hotel And Restaurant Keepers; Money Lenders, Electrical Workers.: 30, Teacher Lecturer Headmaster: 41, Health Professional; Doctor; Nurse, Midwife, Community Health Worker.: 42, Other: Scientific, And Technical Persons, Poets, Authors, Journalists And Related Workers; Sculptors, Painters, Photographers And Related Creative Artists, Composers And Performing Artists: 40, Boma Administrator Chief: 51, Clerk Administrative: Private: 52, Clerk Administrative: Government: 53, Other: Elected And Legislative Officials; Working Proprietors.: 50, Housewife: 61, Student: 62, Work Completed As Part Of Project Led By Ngo Or International Organisation.: 63, Unemployed: 64, Other: Anything That Is Not Classified Under Divisions 1-5 (Including Military Without Other Occupation Speciality And Police Officers): 60)
    "business_2_type", -- Business 2 Code (Cultivators: 11, Farmers: 12, Cattle Sheep Goat Rearing (Livestock): 13, Fishing: 14, Lumbering: 15, Agricultural Laborers: 16, Hunters: 17, Dairying: 18, Other Agriculture: 10, Stone Cutters And Carvers (Masons).: 21, Brick Producers, Bricklayers, Carrying Mud And Other Constructions Workers.: 22, Tobacco Preparers (Saud Makers) And Tobacco Product Makers: 23, Charcoal Producers: 24, Tailors, Dress Makers, Sewers, Upholsterers, Spinners, Weavers, Knitters, Dyers And Related Workers: 25, Cobbler; Shoe Makers And Leather Goods Makers.: 26, Carpenters, Cabinet And Related Wood Workers.: 27, Blacksmith; Goldsmith.: 28, Brewers (Production Of Local Brew): 29, Other: Miners, Quarrymen, Well Drillers; Wood Paper Preparation; Chemical Processors And Related Workers; Tool Makers And Machine Tool Operators; Machinery Fitters, Machine Assemblers And Precision Instrument Makers, Jewellery And Precious Metal Workers And Metal Engravers (Except Printing); Glass Formers, Potters And Related Workers; Paper And Paper Board Products Makers; Printing And Related Workers; Other Production And Related Workers: 20, Servants; Waiters: 31, Sweepers, Cleaners; Building Caretakers.: 32, Barbers, Beauticians; Hair Dressers: 33, Launderers (Dhobi) Dry-Cleaners And Pressers.: 34, Petty Traders; Small Shop-Owners ( 10 Employees): 35, Big Shop Owner ( 10 Employees): 36, Transport Workers; Drivers; Tractor Owner; Auto Owner.: 37, Bicycle Motorcycle Auto Mechanics.: 38, Priest Religious Workers Imam: 39, Other: Hotel And Restaurant Keepers; Money Lenders, Electrical Workers.: 30, Teacher Lecturer Headmaster: 41, Health Professional; Doctor; Nurse, Midwife, Community Health Worker.: 42, Other: Scientific, And Technical Persons, Poets, Authors, Journalists And Related Workers; Sculptors, Painters, Photographers And Related Creative Artists, Composers And Performing Artists: 40, Boma Administrator Chief: 51, Clerk Administrative: Private: 52, Clerk Administrative: Government: 53, Other: Elected And Legislative Officials; Working Proprietors.: 50, Housewife: 61, Student: 62, Work Completed As Part Of Project Led By Ngo Or International Organisation.: 63, Unemployed: 64, Other: Anything That Is Not Classified Under Divisions 1-5 (Including Military Without Other Occupation Speciality And Police Officers): 60)
    "business_1_yr_started", -- When did you start this business? 1 (Missing: -99)
    "business_2_yr_started", -- When did you start this business? 2 (Missing: -99)
    "business_3_employment_amt", -- Excluding household members, how many people did this enterprise employ in the past year (12 months)? 3 (Missing: -99)
    "business_1_revenue", -- During the last year (12 months), how much money has the business received from the sales of its products, goods or services? 1 (Missing: -99)
    "business_2_revenue", -- During the last year (12 months), how much money has the business received from the sales of its products, goods or services? 2 (Missing: -99)
    "business_3_revenue", -- During the last year (12 months), how much money has the business received from the sales of its products, goods or services? 3 (Missing: -99)
    "business_4_costs", -- During the last year, how much have you spent in total on the purchase of inputs (like labor, raw materials, electricity etc.)? 4 (Missing: -99)
    "credit_requested", -- During the last 12 months have you or any household member ask for credit in form of money or goods from any source? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_other_institution", -- Did you ask for credit from another institution (specify) during the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "credit_bank_value", -- What was the value of the total amount borrowed from a bank during the last 12 months? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_moneylender_value", -- What was the value of the total amount borrowed from a moneylender during the last 12 months? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_landlord_value", -- What was the value of the total amount borrowed from a landlord during the last 12 months? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_microfinance_value", -- What was the value of the total amount borrowed from a microfinance institution during the last 12 months? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_grain_millers_value", -- What was the value of the total amount borrowed from a grain millers during the last 12 months? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_other_institution_1", -- What was the value of the total amount borrowed from another institution (specify) during the last 12 months? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_bank_reason_2", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a bank? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_ngo_reason_1", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a NGO? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_ngo_reason_2", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a NGO? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_friend_or_relative_3", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a friend or relative? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_landlord_reason_2", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a landlord? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_local_traders_reason", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a local traders? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_grain_millers_reason_1", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a grain millers? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_contractor_reason", -- What were the main reasons for borrowing from a contractor supplier? (Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_moneylender_repayment", -- What was the total amount to be repaid to a moneylender? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_friend_or_relative_4", -- What was the total amount to be repaid to a friend or relative? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_grain_millers_repayment", -- What was the total amount to be repaid to grain millers? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_moneylender_loan", -- What was is the duration of the loan to the moneylender? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_landlord_loan_duration", -- What was is the duration of the loan to the landlord? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_microfinance_loan", -- What was is the duration of the loan to the microfinance institution? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_contractor_loan", -- What was is the duration of the loan to the contractor supplier? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_other_institution_5", -- What was is the duration of the loan to the another institution (specify)? (Missing: -99)
    "credit_bank_payments_on", -- Have you been able to repay the loan on schedule to the bank? (Yes: 1, No: 2, Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_landlord_payments", -- Have you been able to repay the loan on schedule to the landlord? (Yes: 1, No: 2, Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_microfinance_payments", -- Have you been able to repay the loan on schedule to the microfinance institution? (Yes: 1, No: 2, Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_grain_millers_payments", -- Have you been able to repay the loan on schedule to the grain millers? (Yes: 1, No: 2, Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_contractor_payments", -- Have you been able to repay the loan on schedule to the contractor supplier? (Yes: 1, No: 2, Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_other_institution_6", -- Have you been able to repay the loan on schedule to the another institution (specify)? (Yes: 1, No: 2, Farm Inputs: 1, Purchase Of Animals: 2, Purchase Of Land: 3, Nonfarm Business: 4, Purchase Repair Of Dwelling: 5, Consumer Durables: 6, Medical Expenses: 7, Food: 8, Religious Social Ceremony: 9, Education: 10, To Repay Other Loan: 11, Hire Labor: 12, Other: 13)
    "credit_other_source", -- Other credit sources (Missing: -99)
    "shock_crop_failure", -- Did your household experience crop failure in the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_livestock_died", -- Did your household experience livestock died in the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_death_of_hh_member", -- Did your household experience death of a household member in the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_violence_crime", -- Did your household experience victim of violence crime in the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_other_event", -- Did your household experience any other event in the last 12 months? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_inability_to_plant_1", -- Did inability to plant crop due to lack of seeds, lack of plowing services, insecurity, etc seriously affect your normal living conditions? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_livestock_died_affect", -- Did livestock died seriously affect your normal living conditions? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_death_of_hh_member_1", -- Did death of a household member seriously affect your normal living conditions? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "shock_crop_failure_reason_1", -- What was the reason for the crop failure? 2 (Drought No Water: 1, Pests: 2, Problems With Seeds: 3, Problems With Fertilizer: 4, Delay From Service Providers: 5, Flood Heavy Rains: 6, Insecurity: 7, Monkeys Wild Life: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_crop_failure_response", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to crop failure, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 1 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_inability_to_plant_2", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to inability to plant crop due to lack of seeds, lack of plowing services, insecurity, etc, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 1 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_livestock_died_response", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to livestock died, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 1 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_lost_regular_joq7", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to lost regular job, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 1 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_fire_theft_or_loss_2", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to fire, theft or loss of property, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 1 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_severe_illness_or_injury_2", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to severe illness or injury, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 1 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_crop_failure_response_1", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to crop failure, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 2 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_inability_to_plant_3", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to inability to plant crop due to lack of seeds, lack of plowing services, insecurity, etc, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 2 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_livestock_died_response_1", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to livestock died, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 2 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_lost_regular_joq7_1", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to lost regular job, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 2 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_fire_theft_or_loss_3", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to fire, theft or loss of property, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 2 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_severe_illness_or_injury_3", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to severe illness or injury, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 2 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_death_of_hh_member_3", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to death of a household member, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 2 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_violence_crime_response_1", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to victim of violence crime, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 2 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_other_event_response_1", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to any other event, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 2 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_crop_failure_response_2", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to crop failure, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 3 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_inability_to_plant_4", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to inability to plant crop due to lack of seeds, lack of plowing services, insecurity, etc, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 3 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_death_of_hh_member_4", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to death of a household member, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 3 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "shock_violence_crime_response_2", -- What, if anything, did you do in response to victim of violence crime, such as like borrow money, sell animals etc.? 3 (Nothing: 1, Sell Animals: 2, Sell Jewellery Or Other Assets: 3, Borrow Money: 4, Worked More: 5, Started New Job: 6, Migrated: 7, Asked Help From Relatives Friends: 8, Other (Specify): 9)
    "child_under_5", -- Are there any children in the house under five years of age? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3", -- Child 3 ID Code (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c4", -- Child 4 ID Code (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c5", -- Child 5 ID Code (Missing: -99)
    "nutrition_c1_grain", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any food made from grains, such as posho, kisera, chiappati, bread, rice, porridge or other grain food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_grain", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any food made from grains, such as posho, kisera, chiappati, bread, rice, porridge or other grain food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_grain", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any food made from grains, such as posho, kisera, chiappati, bread, rice, porridge or other grain food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c5_grain", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any food made from grains, such as posho, kisera, chiappati, bread, rice, porridge or other grain food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_grain", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any food made from grains, such as posho, kisera, chiappati, bread, rice, porridge or other grain food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c1_yellow_orange", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any pumpkin, carrots, suguma, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside, or other local yellow orange foods? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_yellow_orange", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any pumpkin, carrots, suguma, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside, or other local yellow orange foods? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c5_yellow_orange", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any pumpkin, carrots, suguma, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside, or other local yellow orange foods? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_yellow_orange", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any pumpkin, carrots, suguma, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside, or other local yellow orange foods? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c7_yellow_orange", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any pumpkin, carrots, suguma, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside, or other local yellow orange foods? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_yellow_orange", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any pumpkin, carrots, suguma, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside, or other local yellow orange foods? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c1_food_from_roots", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any white potatoes, white yams, cassava, other local root crops or other foods made from roots.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c2_food_from_roots", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any white potatoes, white yams, cassava, other local root crops or other foods made from roots.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_food_from_roots", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any white potatoes, white yams, cassava, other local root crops or other foods made from roots.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_food_from_roots", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any white potatoes, white yams, cassava, other local root crops or other foods made from roots.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c1_green_leafy", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any any dark green leafy vegetable such as cowbean leaves (korfolubia), pumpkin leaves (korfubonjo), cassava leaves (gadia), kodura.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_green_leafy", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any any dark green leafy vegetable such as cowbean leaves (korfolubia), pumpkin leaves (korfubonjo), cassava leaves (gadia), kodura.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c5_green_leafy", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any any dark green leafy vegetable such as cowbean leaves (korfolubia), pumpkin leaves (korfubonjo), cassava leaves (gadia), kodura.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_green_leafy", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any any dark green leafy vegetable such as cowbean leaves (korfolubia), pumpkin leaves (korfubonjo), cassava leaves (gadia), kodura.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_green_leafy", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any any dark green leafy vegetable such as cowbean leaves (korfolubia), pumpkin leaves (korfubonjo), cassava leaves (gadia), kodura.? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c1_vitamin_a_rich", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any ripe mangoes, ripe papayas or other local vitamin A rich food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_vitamin_a_rich", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any ripe mangoes, ripe papayas or other local vitamin A rich food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c5_vitamin_a_rich", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any ripe mangoes, ripe papayas or other local vitamin A rich food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_vitamin_a_rich", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any ripe mangoes, ripe papayas or other local vitamin A rich food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c7_vitamin_a_rich", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any ripe mangoes, ripe papayas or other local vitamin A rich food? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c2_other_fruits", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any any other fruits or vegetables? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_other_fruits", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any any other fruits or vegetables? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c5_other_fruits", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any any other fruits or vegetables? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c7_other_fruits", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any any other fruits or vegetables? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c1_organ_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c2_organ_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_organ_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_organ_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c7_organ_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c8_organ_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 8 drink eat any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c2_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any any meat such as beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken or duck? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c7_meat", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any any meat such as beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken or duck? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c1_eggs", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any eggs? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_eggs", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any eggs? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c7_eggs", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any eggs? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c1_seafood", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 1 drink eat any fresh or dried fish, shellfish, or seafood? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c2_seafood", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any fresh or dried fish, shellfish, or seafood? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c3_seafood", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 3 drink eat any fresh or dried fish, shellfish, or seafood? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c4_seafood", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 4 drink eat any fresh or dried fish, shellfish, or seafood? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c7_seafood", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any fresh or dried fish, shellfish, or seafood? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c5_beans_peas_lenils", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 5 drink eat any any foods made from beans, peas, lentils, nuts or seeds? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c2_dairy_products", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 2 drink eat any cheese, yoghurt, or other milk products? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_dairy_products", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any cheese, yoghurt, or other milk products? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c6_oil_fats_butter", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 6 drink eat any any oil, fats, or butter, or foods made with any of these? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "nutrition_c7_oil_fats_butter", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did Child 7 drink eat any any oil, fats, or butter, or foods made with any of these? (Yes: 1, No: 2)
    "no_food", -- In the past 4 weeks, was there ever no food to eat of any kind in your household because of lack of resources to get food? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "last_month_food_availability", -- How do the last 30 days compare to the rest of the year in terms of food availability for your household? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "food_shortage_acute_2", -- During the last 12 months, in which months was the food shortage most acute? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
    "food_shortage_most_acute" -- In which month was the food shortage most acute? (No: 0, Rarely (Once Or Twice): 1, Sometimes (3 To 10 Times): 2, Often (More Than 10 Times): 3)
LIMIT 100;

Connecting to the DDN is easy. All you need is an existing SQL client that can connect to Postgres. As long as you have a SQL client ready, you'll be able to query usaid-gov/baseline-survey-for-an-impact-evaluation-of-the-whyd-kije with SQL in under 60 seconds.

This repository is an "external" repository. That means it's hosted elsewhere, in this case at When you queryusaid-gov/baseline-survey-for-an-impact-evaluation-of-the-whyd-kije:latest on the DDN, we "mount" the repository using the socrata mount handler. The mount handler proxies your SQL query to the upstream data source, translating it from SQL to the relevant language (in this case SoQL).

We also cache query responses on the DDN, but we run the DDN on multiple nodes so a CACHE_HIT is only guaranteed for subsequent queries that land on the same node.

Query Your Local Engine

Install Splitgraph Locally
bash -c "$(curl -sL"

Read the installation docs.

Splitgraph Cloud is built around Splitgraph Core (GitHub), which includes a local Splitgraph Engine packaged as a Docker image. Splitgraph Cloud is basically a scaled-up version of that local Engine. When you query the Data Delivery Network or the REST API, we mount the relevant datasets in an Engine on our servers and execute your query on it.

It's possible to run this engine locally. You'll need a Mac, Windows or Linux system to install sgr, and a Docker installation to run the engine. You don't need to know how to actually use Docker; sgrcan manage the image, container and volume for you.

There are a few ways to ingest data into the local engine.

For external repositories (like this repository), the Splitgraph Engine can "mount" upstream data sources by using sgr mount. This feature is built around Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW). You can write custom "mount handlers" for any upstream data source. For an example, we blogged about making a custom mount handler for HackerNews stories.

For hosted datasets, where the author has pushed Splitgraph Images to the repository, you can "clone" and/or "checkout" the data using sgr cloneand sgr checkout.

Mounting Data

This repository is an external repository. It's not hosted by Splitgraph. It is hosted by, and Splitgraph indexes it. This means it is not an actual Splitgraph image, so you cannot use sgr clone to get the data. Instead, you can use the socrata adapter with the sgr mount command. Then, if you want, you can import the data and turn it into a Splitgraph image that others can clone.

First, install Splitgraph if you haven't already.

Mount the table with sgr mount

sgr mount socrata \
  "usaid-gov/baseline-survey-for-an-impact-evaluation-of-the-whyd-kije" \
  --handler-options '{
    "domain": "",
    "tables": {
        "baseline_survey_for_an_impact_evaluation_of_the": "whyd-kije"

That's it! Now you can query the data in the mounted table like any other Postgres table.

Query the data with your existing tools

Once you've loaded the data into your local Splitgraph engine, you can query it with any of your existing tools. As far as they're concerned, usaid-gov/baseline-survey-for-an-impact-evaluation-of-the-whyd-kije is just another Postgres schema.