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For example, you can query the feed_the_future_northern_kenya_interim_survey_in table in this repository, by referencing it like:


or in a full query, like:

    ":id", -- Socrata column ID
    "child_wt", -- Individual sampling weight for children aged 0 to 59 months
    "caregiver", -- Caregiver s ID Code from the household roster
    "i04_y", -- What is the child s birthday? In what month and year was CHILD S NAME born? Year
    "i06", -- How many months old is CHILD S NAME ? Record age in completed months.
    "c_grains", -- This variable indicates that the child consumed a food from the grains, roots, and tubers group.
    "i28", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did the CHILD S NAME have any yogurt?
    "waz2", -- Indicator of child being underweight, defined as falling below a -2 standard deviation of the WHO reference population.
    "i16", -- Has CHILD S NAME ever been breastfed?
    "i39a", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any flesh from wild animals, such as gazelle or duiker, wild buffalo, squirrels or rats, baboon or monkey
    "i04c", -- May I please see the card?
    "i49_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Foods made with red palm oil, red palm nut, or red palm nut pulp sauce
    "i46_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, cakes, or biscuits
    "i04_m", -- What is the child s birthday? In what month and year was CHILD S NAME born? Month
    "i42_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Fresh or dried fish, shellfish, or seafood
    "i50", -- Did CHILD S NAME eat any solid, semi-solid, or soft foods yesterday during the day or at night? If YES PROBE: What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD
    "i44a_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Cow s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from cow s milk
    "i37a_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any other fruits such as oranges, wild berries, or other fruits
    "i04b", -- Does CHILD S NAME have a health or vaccination card with the birth date recorded?
    "i49", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Foods made with red palm oil, red palm nut, or red palm nut pulp sauce
    "waz_flag", -- A flag indicating that the weight for age Z score is biologically implausible, determined by a Z score of less than -6 or greater than 5. This variable corresponds to _fwei that is generated by the igrowup program.
    "i37a", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any other fruits such as oranges, wild berries, or other fruits
    "i44d_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Sheep s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from sheep s milk
    "i35", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD White potatoes, white yams, manioc, cassava, arrowroot, or any other foods made from roots
    "c_nrvcc4", -- This measure identifies whether NRVCC was consumed in the prior day. The weighted mean of this measure will produce the Feed the Future prevalence indicator. NRVCC Any goat meat, for example grilled goat, or stews or other dishes made with goat meat
    "i43a_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any foods made from beans, peas, or lentils
    "i05", -- How old was CHILD S NAME at his or her last birthday? Record age in completed years.
    "i41_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Eggs
    "cluster", -- Cluster number
    "i19", -- Now I would like to ask you about some medicines and vitamins that are sometimes given to infants. Was CHILD S NAME given any vitamin drops or other medicines as drops during the day or at night?
    "i44c_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Camel s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from camel s milk
    "i38d_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any goat meat, for example grilled goat, or stews or other dishes made with goat meat
    "i34_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Pumpkin, carrots, squash, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside, or dishes made with these vegetables
    "i43b_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any foods made from nuts or seeds
    "c_othfrtveg", -- This variable indicates that the child consumed a food from the other fruits and vegetables group.
    "i44a_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Cow s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from cow s milk
    "i47_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Condiments for flavor, such as chilies, spices, herbs, or fish powder
    "i36_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any dark green leafy vegetables such as kales, amaranths, spinach, bean leaves, cowpea leaves, pumpkin leaves, or dishes made with dark green leafy vegetables
    "i36a_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any other vegetables, such as eggplant, okra, sweet peppers or other vegetables
    "i37a_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any other fruits such as oranges, wild berries, or other fruits
    "i10", -- Measured weight in kilograms
    "i11", -- Measured height in centimeters
    "waz", -- Derived Z score of children s weight for age (underweight), based on reference populations established by WHO UNICEF. This variable corresponds to _zwei that is generated by the igrowup program.
    "haz", -- Derived Z score of children s height for age (stunting), based on reference populations established by WHO UNICEF. This variable corresponds to _zlen that is generated by the igrowup program.
    "baz", -- Derived Z score of BMI for age, based on reference populations established by WHO UNICEF. This variable corresponds to _zbmi that is generated by the igrowup program.
    "ianthro_flag", -- This flag measure indicates the reason for excluding a measure from the analysis of children anthropometry.
    "i18", -- Sometimes babies are fed breast milk in different ways, for example by spoon, cup, or bottle. This can happen when the mother cannot always be with her baby. Sometimes babies are breastfed by another woman or given breast milk from another woman by spoon, cup, bottle, or some other way. This can happen if a mother cannot breastfeed her own baby. Did CHILD S NAME consume breast milk in any of these ways yesterday during the day or the night?
    "i04d_m", -- Confirm with the respondent that the information on the card is correct. If the health vaccination card is shown and the respondent confirms the information is correct, record the date of birth as documented on the card.
    "anthrosample", -- This measure indicates that a child is aged 0-59 months.
    "c_dairy", -- This variable indicates that the child consumed a food from the dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese) group.
    "haz2", -- Indicator of child being underweight, defined as falling below a -2 standard deviation of the WHO reference population
    "i44b_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Goat s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from goat s milk
    "i36", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any dark green leafy vegetables such as kales, amaranths, spinach, bean leaves, cowpea leaves, pumpkin leaves, or dishes made with dark green leafy vegetables
    "i37_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Ripe mangoes or ripe papayas
    "i38a_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any meat from camels, for example grilled camel meat, or stews or other dishes made with camel meat
    "mad", -- This measure is the Feed the Future indicator of Minimum Acceptable Diet. Children who receive a minimum acceptable diet are coded as 1, and those who do not achieve a minimum acceptable diet are coded as a 0.
    "i21", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME have any plain water?
    "i42_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Fresh or dried fish, shellfish, or seafood
    "c_foodmiss", -- This is a flag variable that indicates that the liquid food consumption questions,I21, I22, I24, I26, I27, I28, I30, I31, and I32, are all missing, and or the solid food consumptions questions, I33 - I49, are all missing. This variable is created to exclude records missing the dietary information from analyses.
    "haz3", -- This is an indicator of severe stunting status, based on the children falling below -3 standard deviations of the WHO reference population.
    "i26", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did the CHILD S NAME have any juice or juice drinks?
    "i51", -- How many times did CHILD S NAME eat solid, semi-solid, or soft foods other than liquids yesterday during the day or night?
    "i45_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any oil, fats, or butter, or foods made with any of these
    "whz_flag", -- A flag indicating that the weight for height Z score is biologically implausible, determined by a Z score of less than -5 or greater than 5. This variable corresponds to _fwfl that is generated by the igrowup program.
    "i34_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Pumpkin, carrots, squash, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside, or dishes made with these vegetables
    "i08", -- Is CHILD S NAME under 60 months
    "i49_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Foods made with red palm oil, red palm nut, or red palm nut pulp sauce
    "idcode", -- Woman s ID code
    "i35_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD White potatoes, white yams, manioc, cassava, arrowroot, or any other foods made from roots
    "i46_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, cakes, or biscuits
    "i45_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any oil, fats, or butter, or foods made with any of these
    "i38e_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any meat from other domesticated animals, such as pork, chicken, rabbit or duck
    "i37", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Ripe mangoes or ripe papayas
    "i22", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did the CHILD S NAME drink any infant formula such as Cerelac?
    "xbf", -- This measure is the indicator for exclusive breastfeeding. Children are coded as a 1 if they consumed breastmilk during the prior day and did not consume any other types of food or liquid, including water. Note that children may receive oral rehydration solution, vitamins, minerals, or medicine and still be considered exclusively breastfed.
    "isex", -- Child s sex, based on question I03.
    "minmilk", -- This measure indicates that child who did not receive breast milk during the prior day received two or more feedings of milk.
    "i38b_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any beef meat from cattle for example grilled beef, or stews or other dishes made with beef
    "i36_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any dark green leafy vegetables such as kales, amaranths, spinach, bean leaves, cowpea leaves, pumpkin leaves, or dishes made with dark green leafy vegetables
    "i17", -- Was CHILD S NAME breastfed yesterday during the day or at night?
    "i20", -- Was CHILD S NAME given any oral rehydration solution yesterday during the day or at night?
    "i25", -- How many times yesterday, during the day or at night, did CHILD S NAME consume any milk?
    "i32", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME have any other liquids?
    "i38a", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any meat from camels, for example grilled camel meat, or stews or other dishes made with camel meat
    "i38c", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any mutton meat from sheep for example grilled mutton, or stews or other dishes made with mutton
    "i44e", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any milk, cheese, yogurt, or other products made from any other animals milk
    "i44d_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Sheep s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from sheep s milk
    "i35_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD White potatoes, white yams, manioc, cassava, arrowroot, or any other foods made from roots
    "i33_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Food made from grains, such as bread, rice, noodles, porridge, or ugali
    "i11a", -- Was the child measured lying down or standing up?
    "xbfsample", -- This measure indicates that a child is aged 0-5 months.
    "i23", -- How many times yesterday, during the day or at night, did the child consume any formula?
    "i36a", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any other vegetables, such as eggplant, okra, sweet peppers or other vegetables
    "i36a_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any other vegetables, such as eggplant, okra, sweet peppers or other vegetables
    "i34_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Pumpkin, carrots, squash, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside, or dishes made with these vegetables
    "i38d_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any goat meat, for example grilled goat, or stews or other dishes made with goat meat
    "i44e_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any milk, cheese, yogurt, or other products made from any other animals milk
    "i38c_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any mutton meat from sheep for example grilled mutton, or stews or other dishes made with mutton
    "i39_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats from wild animals such as gazelle or duiker, wild buffalo, squirrels or rats, baboon or monkey
    "i46_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, cakes, or biscuits
    "i47_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Condiments for flavor, such as chilies, spices, herbs, or fish powder
    "i91_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD
    "i37_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Ripe mangoes or ripe papayas
    "i37a_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any other fruits such as oranges, wild berries, or other fruits
    "i39a_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any flesh from wild animals, such as gazelle or duiker, wild buffalo, squirrels or rats, baboon or monkey
    "i38c_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any mutton meat from sheep for example grilled mutton, or stews or other dishes made with mutton
    "i41_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Eggs
    "i38_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats from domesticated animals such as beef, camel, pork, lamb, goat, chicken, rabbit or duck
    "c_nrvcc1", -- This measure identifies whether NRVCC was consumed in the prior day. The weighted mean of this measure will produce the Feed the Future prevalence indicator. NRVCC Any beef meat from cattle for example grilled beef, or stews or other dishes made with beef
    "i43a_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any foods made from beans, peas, or lentils
    "i38a_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any meat from camels, for example grilled camel meat, or stews or other dishes made with camel meat
    "i39_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats from wild animals such as gazelle or duiker, wild buffalo, squirrels or rats, baboon or monkey
    "i39a_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any flesh from wild animals, such as gazelle or duiker, wild buffalo, squirrels or rats, baboon or monkey
    "i38e_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any meat from other domesticated animals, such as pork, chicken, rabbit or duck
    "i27", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME have any clear broth?
    "i48_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Grubs, snails or insects such as white ants, grasshoppers, or locusts
    "i38b_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any beef meat from cattle for example grilled beef, or stews or other dishes made with beef
    "c_vita", -- This variable indicates that the child consumed a food from the Vitamin A-rich fruits and vegetables group.
    "c_meatfish", -- This variable indicates that the child consumed a food from the flesh foods (meat, fish, poultry, and liver organ meats) group.
    "i43b_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any foods made from nuts or seeds
    "i44a", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Cow s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from cow s milk
    "i37_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Ripe mangoes or ripe papayas
    "i44c", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Camel s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from camel s milk
    "i30", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME have any thin porridge?
    "i36_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any dark green leafy vegetables such as kales, amaranths, spinach, bean leaves, cowpea leaves, pumpkin leaves, or dishes made with dark green leafy vegetables
    "i44e_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any milk, cheese, yogurt, or other products made from any other animals milk
    "waz3", -- This is an indicator of severe underweight status, based on the children falling below -3 standard deviations of the WHO reference population.
    "c_bmi", -- BMI calculated as weight (kg) divided by length height (cm) squared. This variable corresponds to _cbmi that is generated by the igrowup program.
    "i09", -- Does the child have edema?
    "i44c_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Camel s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from camel s milk
    "i39_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats from wild animals such as gazelle or duiker, wild buffalo, squirrels or rats, baboon or monkey
    "i44e_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any milk, cheese, yogurt, or other products made from any other animals milk
    "c_nrvcc5", -- This measure identifies whether NRVCC was consumed in the prior day. The weighted mean of this measure will produce the Feed the Future prevalence indicator. NRVCC Cow s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from cow s milk
    "i38_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats from domesticated animals such as beef, camel, pork, lamb, goat, chicken, rabbit or duck
    "today", -- Survey Date
    "iagecons", -- Flag checks for consistency between DOB (I04) and age (I05 or I06). Calculate age in months based on the reported date of birth or date of birth observed on a vaccination card. If the day of birth is missing, but month and year of birth are provided, the exact age in months will be derived by assigning 15 to the day of birth. Do not calculate age if month or year are not provided. If calculated age under 24 months compare to I05. If calculated age over 24 months compare to I06.
    "rcvd_food", -- This measure is coded as 1 if the child received any solid or semi-solid food, and the variable is coded as 0 otherwise. This measure is based on the foods reported in questions I33 through I49.
    "i38_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats from domesticated animals such as beef, camel, pork, lamb, goat, chicken, rabbit or duck
    "i39a_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any flesh from wild animals, such as gazelle or duiker, wild buffalo, squirrels or rats, baboon or monkey
    "i33_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Food made from grains, such as bread, rice, noodles, porridge, or ugali
    "i29", -- How many times yesterday during the day or at night did the CHILD S NAME consume any yogurt?
    "i41_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Eggs
    "urbrur", -- Location type (urban rural)
    "i38e", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any meat from other domesticated animals, such as pork, chicken, rabbit or duck
    "iresp", -- Line number of Module I respondent
    "rcvd_water", -- This measure is coded as 1 if the child received water, and the variable is coded as a 0 otherwise.
    "i15", -- Is the child under 2 years of age?
    "rcvd_milk", -- This measure is coded as 1 if the child received infant formula, milk, or yogurt, and the variable is coded as a 0 otherwise.
    "c_eggs", -- This variable indicates that the child consumed a food from the eggs group.
    "i38e_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any meat from other domesticated animals, such as pork, chicken, rabbit or duck
    "madsample", -- This measure indicates that a child is aged 6-23 months.
    "i41", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Eggs
    "i38b_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any beef meat from cattle for example grilled beef, or stews or other dishes made with beef
    "whz", -- Derived Z score of children s weight for height (wasting), based on reference populations established by WHO UNICEF. This variable corresponds to _zwfl that is generated by the igrowup program.
    "c_foodsum7", -- This is the number of food groups consumed by the child in the prior day. It includes all seven food groups, including dairy. This measure represents the dietary diversity of breastfed children.
    "i44d_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Sheep s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from sheep s milk
    "i33_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Food made from grains, such as bread, rice, noodles, porridge, or ugali
    "whz3", -- This is an indicator of severe wasting status, based on the children falling below -3 standard deviations of the WHO reference population.
    "i44b_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Goat s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from goat s milk
    "c_nrvcc7", -- This measure identifies whether NRVCC was consumed in the prior day. The weighted mean of this measure will produce the Feed the Future prevalence indicator. NRVCC Sheep s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from sheep s milk
    "survey", -- These data were collected in the 2015 Interim Zone of Influence Survey.
    "c_nutsbeans", -- This variable indicates that the child consumed a food from the legumes and nuts group.
    "c_nrvcc2", -- This measure identifies whether NRVCC was consumed in the prior day. The weighted mean of this measure will produce the Feed the Future prevalence indicator. NRVCC Any meat from camels, for example grilled camel meat, or stews or other dishes made with camel meat
    "i43a_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any foods made from beans, peas, or lentils
    "i38c_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any mutton meat from sheep for example grilled mutton, or stews or other dishes made with mutton
    "i43b_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any foods made from nuts or seeds
    "i44c_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Camel s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from camel s milk
    "i38d_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Any goat meat, for example grilled goat, or stews or other dishes made with goat meat
    "i44a_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Cow s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from cow s milk
    "i48_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Grubs, snails or insects such as white ants, grasshoppers, or locusts
    "rcvd_liquid", -- This measure is coded as 1 if the child received infant formula, milk, or yogurt, and the variable is coded as a 0 otherwise.
    "solidfoodfeeds", -- This variable is the total number of solid or semi-solid feedings the child received during the prior day, as reported in question I51.
    "c_nrvcc3", -- This measure identifies whether NRVCC was consumed in the prior day. The weighted mean of this measure will produce the Feed the Future prevalence indicator. NRVCC Any mutton meat from sheep for example grilled mutton, or stews or other dishes made with mutton
    "c_nrvcc8", -- This measure identifies whether NRVCC was consumed in the prior day. The weighted mean of this measure will produce the Feed the Future prevalence indicator. NRVCC Goat s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from goat s milk
    "i42_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Fresh or dried fish, shellfish, or seafood
    "i03", -- What is CHILD S NAME sex?
    "i47", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Condiments for flavor, such as chilies, spices, herbs, or fish powder
    "i44b_i50", -- What kind of solid, semi-solid, or soft foods did CHILD S NAME eat? FOOD Goat s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from goat s milk
    "c_foodsum6", -- This is the number of food groups consumed by the child in the prior day. It includes six of the seven food groups, excluding dairy. This measure represents the dietary diversity of non-breastfed children.
    "i04d_y", -- Confirm with the respondent that the information on the card is correct. If the health vaccination card is shown and the respondent confirms the information is correct, record the date of birth as documented on the card.
    "c_nrvcc_any", -- This measure identifies whether any of the targeted nutrient-rich value chain commodities were consumed in the prior day. The weighted mean of this measure will produce the Feed the Future prevalence indicator.
    "minfrequency", -- The is a binary measure indicating that a child meets the minimum meal frequency for their age and breastfeeding status.
    "i36a_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Any other vegetables, such as eggplant, okra, sweet peppers or other vegetables
    "c_foodsum", -- This is the number of food groups consumed by the child in the prior day. This variables takes the value of c_foodsum7 if the child consumed breast milk in the prior day and c_foodsum6 if the child did not consume breast milk in the prior day.
    "c_nrvcc6", -- This measure identifies whether NRVCC was consumed in the prior day. The weighted mean of this measure will produce the Feed the Future prevalence indicator. NRVCC Camel s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from camel s milk
    "country", -- These data were collected in the Feed the Future Zone of Influence in Kenya.
    "haz_flag", -- A flag indicating that the height for age Z score is biologically implausible, determined by a Z score of less than -6 or greater than 6. This variable corresponds to _flen that is generated by the igrowup program.
    "whz2", -- Indicator of child being underweight, defined as falling below a -2 standard deviation of the WHO reference population
    "baz_flag", -- A flag indicating that the BMI for age Z score is biologically implausible, determined by a Z score of less than -5 or greater than 5. This variable corresponds to _fbmi that is generated by the igrowup program.
    "i24", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME have any milk such as tinned, powdered, or fresh animal milk?
    "i31", -- Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME have any other liquids such as black tea, glucose water, rice water, or other liquids?
    "i33", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Food made from grains, such as bread, rice, noodles, porridge, or ugali
    "i34", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Pumpkin, carrots, squash, or sweet potatoes that are yellow or orange inside, or dishes made with these vegetables
    "i38", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats from domesticated animals such as beef, camel, pork, lamb, goat, chicken, rabbit or duck
    "i38b", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any beef meat from cattle for example grilled beef, or stews or other dishes made with beef
    "i38d", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any goat meat, for example grilled goat, or stews or other dishes made with goat meat
    "i39", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any liver, kidney, heart, or other organ meats from wild animals such as gazelle or duiker, wild buffalo, squirrels or rats, baboon or monkey
    "i42", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Fresh or dried fish, shellfish, or seafood
    "i43a", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any foods made from beans, peas, or lentils
    "i43b", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any foods made from nuts or seeds
    "i44b", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Goat s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from goat s milk
    "i44d", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Sheep s milk, or cheese, yogurt, or other products made from sheep s milk
    "i45", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any oil, fats, or butter, or foods made with any of these
    "i46", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Any sugary foods such as chocolates, sweets, candies, pastries, cakes, or biscuits
    "i48", -- This variable combines the spontaneously reported and the prompted recall of the child s consumption of FOOD during the prior day. FOOD Grubs, snails or insects such as white ants, grasshoppers, or locusts
    "i38a_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any meat from camels, for example grilled camel meat, or stews or other dishes made with camel meat
    "i45_s", -- Respondent reported that the child at this FOOD while describing what was eaten in the prior day. FOOD Any oil, fats, or butter, or foods made with any of these
    "i35_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD White potatoes, white yams, manioc, cassava, arrowroot, or any other foods made from roots
    "i47_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Condiments for flavor, such as chilies, spices, herbs, or fish powder
    "i48_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Grubs, snails or insects such as white ants, grasshoppers, or locusts
    "i49_p", -- When failing to mention FOOD during the reporting of foods eaten during the prior day, the respondents were asked, Yesterday, during the day or night, did CHILD S NAME drink eat any FOOD ? FOOD Foods made with red palm oil, red palm nut, or red palm nut pulp sauce
    "bf", -- This variable indicates whether a child consumed breastmilk during the prior day. Children who were breastfed or consumed breastmilk through other means are coded as a one. Children who were not breastfed and who did not consume breastmilk are coded as zero. In cases that the caregiver did not know whether breastmilk was given to the child or in cases when the caregiver refused to answer, this measure is coded as if the child did not consume breastmilk.
    "milkfeeds", -- The variable represents the number of milk feedings the child received during the prior day. Consumption of infant formula, milk, and yogurt count as milk feedings. This measure is required to assess minimum meal frequency for children who are not breastfed. Children who are breastfed have a missing value for this variable.
    "mindiversity", -- This variable indicates that the child meets the minimum dietary diversity for his or her breastfeeding status. Children who consume four or more food groups during the prior day meet the minimum dietary diversity, whereas those who consume fewer than four food groups fail to meet the minimum dietary diversity. Dairy did not contribute to the dietary diversity requirement of children who did not receive breast milk in the prior day.
    "stratum", -- Administrative variable for identifying the strata of sampling designs. Unstratified samples have a constant value of 1.
    "zoi", -- This variable indicates that a record is included in the Feed the Future Zone of Influence. The ZOI includes the counties of Marsabit, Garissa, Isiolo, Wajir, and Turkana.
    "pbs_id" -- Administrative variable for identifying households
LIMIT 100;

Connecting to the DDN is easy. All you need is an existing SQL client that can connect to Postgres. As long as you have a SQL client ready, you'll be able to query usaid-gov/feed-the-future-northern-kenya-interim-survey-in-if9j-vdq7 with SQL in under 60 seconds.

This repository is an "external" repository. That means it's hosted elsewhere, in this case at When you queryusaid-gov/feed-the-future-northern-kenya-interim-survey-in-if9j-vdq7:latest on the DDN, we "mount" the repository using the socrata mount handler. The mount handler proxies your SQL query to the upstream data source, translating it from SQL to the relevant language (in this case SoQL).

We also cache query responses on the DDN, but we run the DDN on multiple nodes so a CACHE_HIT is only guaranteed for subsequent queries that land on the same node.

Query Your Local Engine

Install Splitgraph Locally
bash -c "$(curl -sL"

Read the installation docs.

Splitgraph Cloud is built around Splitgraph Core (GitHub), which includes a local Splitgraph Engine packaged as a Docker image. Splitgraph Cloud is basically a scaled-up version of that local Engine. When you query the Data Delivery Network or the REST API, we mount the relevant datasets in an Engine on our servers and execute your query on it.

It's possible to run this engine locally. You'll need a Mac, Windows or Linux system to install sgr, and a Docker installation to run the engine. You don't need to know how to actually use Docker; sgrcan manage the image, container and volume for you.

There are a few ways to ingest data into the local engine.

For external repositories (like this repository), the Splitgraph Engine can "mount" upstream data sources by using sgr mount. This feature is built around Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW). You can write custom "mount handlers" for any upstream data source. For an example, we blogged about making a custom mount handler for HackerNews stories.

For hosted datasets, where the author has pushed Splitgraph Images to the repository, you can "clone" and/or "checkout" the data using sgr cloneand sgr checkout.

Mounting Data

This repository is an external repository. It's not hosted by Splitgraph. It is hosted by, and Splitgraph indexes it. This means it is not an actual Splitgraph image, so you cannot use sgr clone to get the data. Instead, you can use the socrata adapter with the sgr mount command. Then, if you want, you can import the data and turn it into a Splitgraph image that others can clone.

First, install Splitgraph if you haven't already.

Mount the table with sgr mount

sgr mount socrata \
  "usaid-gov/feed-the-future-northern-kenya-interim-survey-in-if9j-vdq7" \
  --handler-options '{
    "domain": "",
    "tables": {
        "feed_the_future_northern_kenya_interim_survey_in": "if9j-vdq7"

That's it! Now you can query the data in the mounted table like any other Postgres table.

Query the data with your existing tools

Once you've loaded the data into your local Splitgraph engine, you can query it with any of your existing tools. As far as they're concerned, usaid-gov/feed-the-future-northern-kenya-interim-survey-in-if9j-vdq7 is just another Postgres schema.