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Updated almost 4 years ago
Indexed 3 hours ago

Numbers of People Reached by Gender-Based Violence Services, Bangladesh 2011-2017

The Protecting Human Rights (PHR) Program works to reduce domestic violence, child marriage and related human rights abuses in 102 unions under eight upazilas of six districts. With support from USAID from March 2011 to March 2017, PHR was implemented by Plan International Bangladesh, the Bangladesh National Women Lawyers’ Association and 11 local NGOs. PHR uses an integrated and broad-based approach that includes advocacy, capacity building, access to justice, services for survivors, and mass awareness and educational projects.

Querying over HTTP

Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:

curl \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
{"sql": "
    SELECT *
    FROM \"usaid-gov/numbers-of-people-reached-by-genderbased-violence-qnyg-e3xc\".\"numbers_of_people_reached_by_genderbased_violence\"
    LIMIT 100 

See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.

  • numbers_of_people_reached_by_genderbased_violence
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