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Updated 11 months ago
Indexed 2 hours ago

California Protected Area Database (HESS)

California Protected Area Database (CPAD) for development of the Parcel Inventory dataset for the Housing Element Site Selection (HESS) Pre-Screening Tool.

This feature set contains a subset of the statewide source. Its geographic extent covers the San Francisco Bay Region.

CPAD inventories open space lands that have been protected for open space uses through fee ownerships. CPAD is not a database of all public lands – for example, it does not include public buildings, water treatment sites, or other non-open space public land.

CPAD is suitable for a wide range of planning, assessment, analysis, and display purposes. CPAD should not be used as the basis for official regulatory, legal, or other such governmental actions without more detailed review of current official land records in the area of focus.

This feature set contains the CPAD Super Unit features of the database. Super Units are aggregations of Units (which themselves are aggregations of Holdings) to create use-focused polygons for each site name (e.g. Las Trampas Regional Wilderness).

Super Units are useful for recreation applications and for cartographic representation.


● Super Units aggregate units based on the managing agency.

● Super Units maintain distinct units for different types of public access.

● Super Units cross county boundaries.

● Super Units have fewer attributes and are primarily used for cartography/display purposes, and to support recreational access applications.

The lands in CPAD are defined by their owning and managing agencies at the Holdings and Units levels. At the Super Units level (a version of the release meant primarily for recreation applications, and for general cartography), CPAD lands are defined simply by name, managing agency, and public access.

Access to CPAD GIS data is primarily through the State of California’s Atlas open data portal – a download link and more information about CPAD, including a PDF manual about the data, is at CPAD is released in shapefile format. The state site also hosts map services with CPAD data displayed by Access Type, Agency Classification, and Agency Level.

Querying over HTTP

Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:

curl \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
{"sql": "
    SELECT *
    FROM \"bayareametro-gov/california-protected-area-database-hess-x2r6-bs5k\".\"california_protected_area_database_hess\"
    LIMIT 100 

See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.

  • california_protected_area_database_hess
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