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2006-07 School Progress Reports - All Schools

2006/07 Progress Report results for all schools (data as of 1/14/09)

Peer indices are calculated differently depending on School Level. Schools are only compared to other schools in the same School Level (e.g., Elementary, K-8, Middle, High)

1) Elementary & K-8 - peer index is a value from 0-100. We use a composite demographic statistic based on % ELL, % SpEd, % Title I free lunch, and % Black/Hispanic. Higher values indicate student populations with higher need

2) Middle & High - peer index is a value from 1.00-4.50. For middle schools, we use the average 4th grade proficiency ratings in ELA and Math for all their students that have 4th grade test scores. For high schools, we use the average 8th grade proficiency ratings in ELA and Math for all their students that have 8th grade test scores. Lower values indicate student populations with higher need

3) D84 / Charter Schools - the overall score does not include the results of the learning environment survey.

4) Schools for Transfer Students - consists of schools with large populations of high school students transferring from NYC High Schools or from out of state/country. No peer index value is assigned because this set of schools is its own peer group. The reports contain 3 categories with one additional credit section. Unlike the HS Progress Report, the Environment Category is only composed of Survey Results. Performance measures 6-year graduation rate and Progress captures student level improvements in attendance, credit accumulation and Regents passed. The additional credit section rewards schools demonstrating exceptional achievement (11 credits or more earned per year) among overage/under-credit populations.

Querying over HTTP

Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:

curl \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
{"sql": "
    SELECT *
    FROM \"cityofnewyork-us/200607-school-progress-reports-all-schools-fzv4-jan3\".\"200607_school_progress_reports_all_schools\"
    LIMIT 100 

See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.

  • 200607_school_progress_reports_all_schools
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