

17 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    ARCHIVED - NYC Greenthumb Community Gardens
    • community
    • dpr
    • green
    • healthy living
    • market
    • + 3
  • Updated 5 months ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Citywide Marketing Directory
  • Updated 1 year ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Citywide Public Computer Centers (FY2019)
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    DYCD Contractors
  • Updated 2 months ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Facilities Database
  • Updated 9 months ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Local Law 83 - City Agency Advertising Spend
  • Updated 9 months ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Local Law 83 FY 2020-2022 Historical Ethnic and Community Media Agency Ad Spend by Agency
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    New York City Population By Community Districts
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    New York Public Library (NYPL) Branch Services from 7-2010 to 6-2011
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    NYPL Branch Services - Bronx