

6 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Road Signs in the ACT
    • guide
    • hazard
    • limit
    • park
    • regulatory
    • + 5
  • Updated 8 hours ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) - Planned Footpath Closures (Historical Data)
  • Updated 8 hours ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Temporary Traffic Management (TTM) - Planned Road Closures (Historical Data)
  • Updated 7 months ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Traffic Route Stats
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Unplanned Footpath Closures (Historical Data)
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Unplanned Road Closures (Historical Data)