
12 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated over 4 years ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Recreational Boating Permits
    • boating
    • dep
    • recreational boating permits
  • Updated 26 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Complaints and Arrests by DNREC Fish and Wildlife
    • boating
    • firearms
    • fishing
    • hunting
    • law enforcement
    • + 1
  • Updated 21 hours ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Delaware Boat Registrations by Year
  • Updated 5 months ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Artificial Reef Aerial Survey Boat Count: Beginning 1995
  • Updated 5 years ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Hudson River Valley Greenway Water Trail Designated Sites
  • Updated 6 hours ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Lodging Near NYS Canal System
  • Updated 6 hours ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Marinas And Public Docks Near NYS Canal System
  • Updated over 12 years ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Activity By County And Waterbody
  • Updated 10 years ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Boat Pumpout and Dump Stations
  • Updated over 8 years ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Certified Clean Marinas