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    Updated over 5 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Toxic Release Inventory 2011 Bronx (air)
    • carcinogen
    • epa
    • lead
    • pollution
    • smoke
    • + 2
  • Updated 7 hours ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Particulate Matter data from ACT Air Quality Monitoring Stations
  • Updated over 4 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Percent of adults who (18+), New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2011
  • Updated over 3 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Percent of High School Students (grades 9-12) Who Smoke Cigarettes , New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2010
  • Updated over 3 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Percent of high school students (grades 9-12) who currently use tobacco products (cigarettes, cigars, less tobacco, bidis), New Jersey, by year: Begin...
  • Updated almost 7 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Percent Of Middle School Students (grades 7-8) Who Smoke Cigarettes, New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2014
  • Updated over 3 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Percent of women who report smoking while pregnant, New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2010
  • Updated over 1 year ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Governor's Executive Budget Program Measures SFY 2017 - Current Annual Statewide Health