
8 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated over 1 year ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    EBRP Street Name Changes
    • road
    • street
    • street name
  • Updated 12 days ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Street Names
  • Updated 4 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Restaurant and Food Establishment Inspections (October 2016 to January 2024)
    • consumer complaints
    • establishment
    • food
    • food borne investigations
    • food inspection
    • + 12
  • Updated almost 3 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Street Cuts Prior to 2013
  • Updated 1 day ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    911 Addressing - Street Name Master List
  • Updated 15 hours ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Addresses in the City of Los Angeles
  • Updated 30 days ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Street Names
  • Updated 3 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Tree Planting Program