

4 Repositories
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    Updated almost 4 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Hip fracture hospitalization rate among men ages 65 and older, New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2010
    • 65+
    • adult
    • fracture
    • hip
    • hospitalization
    • + 3
  • Updated 4 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Rate of Hospitalization due to Asthma among Children under 5 years old (per 100,000), New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2010
  • Updated 4 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Rate of Hospitalization due to Asthma among Adults age 65+ (per 100,000), New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2010
  • Updated 4 years ago • Last indexed 3 hours ago
    Rate of Hospitalization due to Asthma among persons age 5 - 64 years old (per 100,000), New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2010