

6 Repositories
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    Updated almost 4 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    HIV/AIDS transmission rate among adults and adolescents, New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2010
    • adolescents
    • adults
    • aids
    • hiv
    • infection
    • + 4
  • Updated almost 4 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    HIV-infected adolescents and adults who receive HIV care and treatment consistent with current standards, New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2010
  • Updated almost 4 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    HIV-related death rate (per 100,000), New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2010
  • Updated almost 4 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Percent of adults (18-64 years old) tested for HIV in the last year, New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2010
  • Updated over 4 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Percent of Tuberculosis cases alive at diagnosis (for which an HIV status is known), New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2010
  • Updated almost 4 years ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Percentage of persons diagnosed with HIV and AIDS simultaneously, New Jersey, by year: Beginning 2010