

22 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated 17 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Affidavits Filed By Hawaii State and County Candidates
    • affidavit
    • ampaign spending commission
    • campaign finance
    • candidate
    • expenditure limits
    • + 1
  • Updated 9 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Campaign Contributions Made To Candidates By Hawaii Noncandidate Committees From January 1, 2008 Through December 31, 2023
  • Updated 9 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Campaign Contributions Received By Hawaii State and County Candidates From November 8, 2006 Through June 30, 2024
  • Updated 9 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Campaign Spending OE Ledger Dataset
  • Updated 9 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Campaign Spending OE Ledger NCC Dataset
  • Updated 9 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Contributions Received By Hawaii Noncandidate Committees From January 1, 2008 Through December 31, 2023
  • Updated 9 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Durable Assets For Hawaii Noncandidate Committees From January 1, 2008 Through December 31, 2023
  • Updated 9 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Durable Assets For Hawaii State and County Candidates From November 8, 2006 Through June 30, 2024
  • Updated 9 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Expenditures Made By Hawaii Noncandidate Committees From January 1, 2008 Through December 31, 2023
  • Updated 9 days ago • Last indexed 2 hours ago
    Expenditures Made By Hawaii State and County Candidates From November 8, 2006 Through June 30, 2024