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Updated 3 years ago
Indexed 4 hours ago

Number of Students Successfully Completing Workforce Training Programs

Data provides the number of completers and non-completers in apprenticeships, CTC Professional-Technical Education, or Secondary CTE programs. Kitsap and Mason were combined due to smaller counts.

Outcomes are as of 3 quarters past exit quarter. Success Rate is defined as:

  • Apprenticeship and CTC Professional-Technical Education are considered in terms of Employment.

  • Secondary CTE is considered in terms of Employment/In Higher Education.

Querying over HTTP

Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:

curl \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
{"sql": "
    SELECT *
    FROM \"internal-open-piercecountywa-gov/number-of-students-successfully-completing-pvc3-vntm\".\"number_of_students_successfully_completing\"
    LIMIT 100 

See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.

  • number_of_students_successfully_completing
Upstream Metadata