

15 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated 4 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Cruise Ship Passenger Visits
    • cruise
    • tourism
    • tourismns
    • tourist
  • Updated 4 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Nova Scotia Visitor Exit Survey, Tourism Regions Visited
    • nova scotia visitor exit survey
    • overnight
    • survey
    • tourism
    • tourism region
    • + 4
  • Updated 4 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Nova Scotia Visitor Exit Survey, Trip Purpose by Market of Origin
  • Updated 3 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Nova Scotians Engagement in Tourism Industry
  • Updated 4 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Tourism Nova Scotia Fixed Roof Accommodations
  • Updated 4 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Tourism Nova Scotia Halifax Stanfield Airport Enplanements
  • Updated 3 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Tourism Nova Scotia Listed Operators
  • Updated 4 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Tourism Nova Scotia Provincial VIC Visitation
  • Updated 4 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Tourism Nova Scotia Road Visits by Entry Point
  • Updated 4 months ago • Last indexed 5 hours ago
    Tourism Nova Scotia Visitation