

12 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated over 9 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Budget Data For Public Adopted FY2014-15 Midcycle Budget
    • budget
    • finance
    • midcycle budget
  • Updated over 8 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Budget Data For Public Adopted FY2015-17 Biennial
  • Updated over 9 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    City of Oakland Adopted Policy Budget FY13-15
  • Updated over 9 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    City of Oakland Proposed Policy Budget FY2013-15
  • Updated over 9 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Five-Year Financial Forecast 2016-2020
    • budget
    • finance
    • financial
    • five-year
    • forecast
    • + 1
  • Updated over 4 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    FY 2019-21 Adopted Budget
  • Updated 5 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    FY 2019-21 Biennial Proposed Budget
  • Updated 9 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    FY14-15 Midcycle to FY15-17 Proposed Budget Comparison
  • Updated 7 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    FY2017-19 Mayor's Proposed Budget Expenditures
  • Updated 7 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    FY2017-19 Mayor's Proposed Budget Revenues