

10 Repositories
  • Icon for the Socrata plugin
    Updated almost 7 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Estimated Municipal Liquid Fuels (MLF) Allocations Report 2018 Community and Economic Development
    • allocation
    • dced
    • fuel
    • municipal
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Municipal Balance Sheets 2015 Community and Economic Development
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Municipal Data American Community Survey 2015 Community and Economic Development
    • borough
    • city
    • employment
    • housing
    • income
    • + 4
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Municipal Employee Compensation 2015 Community and Economic Development
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Municipal Statement of Revenue and Expenditures 2015 Community and Economic Development
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Municipality Total Debt 2015 Community and Economic Development
  • Updated 2 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    PA Municipality Boundaries
  • Updated almost 2 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    PA Municipality Boundary testing Current Transportation
  • Updated 25 days ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Registered Businesses in PA Current by County
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 6 hours ago
    Total Capital Expenditures by Municipality 2015 Community and Economic Development