Cumulative Influenza Vaccination Coverage, by Flu Season and Race/Ethnicity, Pregnant Persons 18-49 years
Cumulative Influenza Vaccination Coverage, by Flu Season and Race/Ethnicity, Pregnant Persons 18-49 years
• These monthly flu vaccination coverage estimates for pregnant persons are based on electronic health record (EHR) data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), a collaboration between CDC’s Immunization Safety Office and nine integrated health care organizations.§ This system has been used annually to estimate vaccination coverage among pregnant persons. COVID-19 vaccination coverage for pregnant persons is available here.
• Figure 3A. Monthly Cumulative Influenza Vaccination Coverage*, by Flu Season and Race/Ethnicity, Pregnant Persons 18-49 years, United States, Data Source: Vaccine Safety Datalink
• Figure 3B. Cumulative Influenza Vaccination Coverage*, by Month, Flu Season, and Race/Ethnicity, Pregnant Persons 18-49 years, United States, Data Source: Vaccine Safety Datalink
• For any month’s coverage estimate, the denominator is the number of persons with a pregnancy during the current flu season (defined as August through March) beginning before or during the specified month. The numerator is the subset of the denominator who have received flu vaccination prior to, during, or after pregnancy. The denominator increases as more persons are identified as pregnant or having been pregnant during the flu season. Cumulative vaccination coverage for one month may be lower than cumulative coverage for a previous month due to addition to the denominator of persons who are less likely to have received vaccination.
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curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d@-<<EOF {"sql": " SELECT * FROM \"cdc-gov/cumulative-influenza-vaccination-coverage-by-flu-fz77-au2z\".\"cumulative_influenza_vaccination_coverage_by_flu\" LIMIT 100 "} EOF
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