Healthy People 2020 Overview of Health Disparities
The Overview of Health Disparities analysis is a component of the Healthy People 2020 (HP2020) Final Review. The analysis included 611 objectives in HP2020. This file contains summary level information used for the evaluation of changes in disparities during HP2020, including calculations for the disparities measures and the disparities change categories for all objectives and population characteristics in the analysis. See Technical Notes for the Healthy People 2020 Overview of Health Disparities ( for additional information and criteria for objectives, data years, and population characteristics included in the analysis and statistical formulas and definitions for the disparities measures.
Data for additional years during the HP2020 tracking period that are not included in the Overview of Health Disparities are available on the HP2020 website (
Note that “rate” as used may refer to a statistical rate expressed per unit population or a proportion, depending on how the HP2020 objective was defined.
Querying over HTTP
Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:
curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d@-<<EOF {"sql": " SELECT * FROM \"cdc-gov/healthy-people-2020-overview-of-health-disparities-fdpm-fddm\".\"healthy_people_2020_overview_of_health_disparities\" LIMIT 100 "} EOF
See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.