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Updated 2 months ago
Indexed 6 hours ago

COVID-19 Daily Rolling Average Case, Death, and Hospitalization Rates - Historical

NOTE: This dataset has been retired and marked as historical-only.

This dataset is a companion to the COVID-19 Daily Cases and Deaths dataset ( The major difference in this dataset is that the case, death, and hospitalization corresponding rates per 100,000 population are not those for the single date indicated. They are rolling averages for the seven-day period ending on that date. This rolling average is used to account for fluctuations that may occur in the data, such as fewer cases being reported on weekends, and small numbers. The intent is to give a more representative view of the ongoing COVID-19 experience, less affected by what is essentially noise in the data.

All rates are per 100,000 population in the indicated group, or Chicago, as a whole, for “Total” columns.

Only Chicago residents are included based on the home address as provided by the medical provider.

Cases with a positive molecular (PCR) or antigen test are included in this dataset. Cases are counted based on the date the test specimen was collected. Deaths among cases are aggregated by day of death. Hospitalizations are reported by date of first hospital admission. Demographic data are based on what is reported by medical providers or collected by CDPH during follow-up investigation.

Denominators are from the U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey 1-year estimate for 2018 and can be seen in the Citywide, 2018 row of the Chicago Population Counts dataset (

All data are provisional and subject to change. Information is updated as additional details are received and it is, in fact, very common for recent dates to be incomplete and to be updated as time goes on. At any given time, this dataset reflects cases and deaths currently known to CDPH.

Numbers in this dataset may differ from other public sources due to definitions of COVID-19-related cases and deaths, sources used, how cases and deaths are associated to a specific date, and similar factors.

Data Source: Illinois National Electronic Disease Surveillance System, Cook County Medical Examiner’s Office, U.S. Census Bureau American Community Survey

Querying over HTTP

Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:

curl \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
{"sql": "
    SELECT *
    FROM \"cityofchicago/covid19-daily-rolling-average-case-death-and-e68t-c7fv\".\"covid19_daily_rolling_average_case_death_and\"
    LIMIT 100 

See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.

  • covid19_daily_rolling_average_case_death_and
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