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COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage, ZIP Code

NOTE: This dataset replaces a previous one. Please see below.

Chicago residents who are up to date with COVID-19 vaccines by ZIP Code, based on the reported home address and age group of the person vaccinated, as provided by the medical provider in the Illinois Comprehensive Automated Immunization Registry Exchange (I-CARE).

“Up to date” refers to individuals who meet the CDC’s updated COVID-19 vaccination criteria based on their age and prior vaccination history. For surveillance purposes, up to date is defined based on the following criteria:

People ages 5 years and older:

· Are up to date when they receive a single dose of an updated (2023-2024 formula) vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Novavax) regardless of their prior vaccination history

Children aged 6 months to 4 years:

· Children who’ve received at least two prior COVID-19 vaccine doses are up to date when they receive one additional dose of updated COVID-19 vaccine (2023-2024 formula), regardless of vaccine product

· Children who’ve received only one prior COVID-19 vaccine dose are up to date when they receive one additional dose of updated Moderna COVID-19 vaccine (2023-2024 formula) or two additional doses of updated Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (2023-2024 formula)

· Children who have never received a COVID-19 vaccination are up to date when they receive either two doses of the updated Moderna vaccine (2023-2024 formula) or three doses of the updated Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine (2023-2024 formula)

This dataset takes the place of a previous dataset, which covers doses administered from December 15, 2020 through September 13, 2023 and will be marked as historical shortly after the launch of this dataset:

Data Notes:

Weekly cumulative totals of people up to date are shown for each combination ZIP Code and age group. Note there are rows where age group is "All ages" so care should be taken when summing rows.

Coverage percentages are calculated based on the cumulative number of people in each ZIP Code and age group who are considered up to date as of the week ending date divided by the estimated number of people in that subgroup. Population counts are obtained from the 2020 U.S. Decennial Census. For ZIP Codes mostly outside Chicago, coverage percentages are not calculated reliable Chicago-only population counts are not available. Actual counts may exceed population estimates and lead to coverage estimates that are greater than 100%, especially in smaller ZIP Codes with smaller populations. Additionally, the medical provider may report a work address or incorrect home address for the person receiving the vaccination, which may lead to over- or underestimation of vaccination coverage by geography. All coverage percentages are capped at 99%.

Weekly cumulative counts and coverage percentages are reported from the week ending Saturday, September 16, 2023 onward through the Saturday prior to the dataset being updated.

All data are provisional and subject to change. Information is updated as additional details are received and it is, in fact, very common for recent dates to be incomplete and to be updated as time goes on. At any given time, this dataset reflects data currently known to CDPH.

Numbers in this dataset may differ from other public sources due to when data are reported and how City of Chicago boundaries are defined.

CDPH uses the most complete data available to estimate COVID-19 vaccination coverage among Chicagoans, but there are several limitations that impact our estimates. Data reported in I-CARE only includes doses administered in Illinois and some doses administered outside of Illinois reported historically by Illinois providers. Due to people receiving vaccinations that are not recorded in I-CARE that can be linked to their record, such as someone receiving a vaccine dose in another state, the number of people who are up to dat

Querying over HTTP

Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:

curl \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
{"sql": "
    SELECT *
    FROM \"cityofchicago/covid19-vaccination-coverage-zip-code-2ani-ic5x\".\"covid19_vaccination_coverage_zip_code\"
    LIMIT 100 

See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.

  • covid19_vaccination_coverage_zip_code
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