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Updated 2 years ago
Indexed 2 hours ago

FY03 – FY12 MMR Agency Performance Indicators

This data was collected biaannually from divisions at the Department reasonsible for tracking performance indicators connected to Agency activities. Each measure reflects a particular aspect of agency service operations that the City’s Commissionersand agency heads viewed as key public service areas and criticial objectives connected to policy priorities and operational strategies. These metrics were developed through a collaboration between the Mayor’s Office of Operations and the senior managers of each agency. Results are compared to pre-stated targets or to performance for previous reporting periods.

<i>Use ‘CSV for Excel’ when downloading this dataset and then sort in alphabetical order by Agency.<i>

Querying over HTTP

Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:

curl \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
{"sql": "
    SELECT *
    FROM \"cityofnewyork-us/fy03-fy12-mmr-agency-performance-indicators-jhjm-vsp8\".\"fy03_fy12_mmr_agency_performance_indicators\"
    LIMIT 100 

See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.

  • fy03_fy12_mmr_agency_performance_indicators
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