Mpox Vaccinations by Age Group
Data last updated 12/29/2022. Data are not currently being routinely updated. For more information about mpox, including vaccine eligibility criteria, see the DPH mpox webpage:
Table published by the Connecticut Department of Public Health that contains the cumulative number of people by age group who have received at least one dose of JYNNEOS vaccine reported to CT WiZ (the Connecticut Immunization Information System). Age is age at the time of the first dose of monkeypox vaccine.
Currently vaccination is prioritized for individuals at the highest risk of exposure to someone with mpox. Since the size of this population is not known, the number vaccinated is reported without the vaccine coverage percentage.
This table excludes residents of other states vaccinated in Connecticut. Connecticut residents vaccinated out of state are included if they were vaccinated in a jurisdiction that has established electronic vaccination data exchange with Connecticut (as of 8/31/2022, this is NYC, RI, NJ, DE, NV, Philadelphia).
Querying over HTTP
Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:
curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d@-<<EOF {"sql": " SELECT * FROM \"ct-gov/mpox-vaccinations-by-age-group-492w-452t\".\"mpox_vaccinations_by_age_group\" LIMIT 100 "} EOF
See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.