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Updated 12 days ago
Indexed 6 hours ago

IBRD Statement of Loans - Latest Available Snapshot

The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) loans are public and publicly guaranteed debt extended by the World Bank Group. IBRD loans are made to, or guaranteed by, countries that are members of IBRD. IBRD may also make loans to IFC. IBRD lends at market rates. Data are in U.S. dollars calculated using historical rates. This dataset contains the latest available snapshot of the Statement of Loans. The World Bank complies with all sanctions applicable to World Bank transactions.

Querying over HTTP

Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:

curl \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
{"sql": "
    SELECT *
    FROM \"finances-worldbank/ibrd-statement-of-loans-latest-available-snapshot-sfv5-tf7p\".\"ibrd_statement_of_loans_latest_available_snapshot\"
    LIMIT 100 

See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.

  • ibrd_statement_of_loans_latest_available_snapshot
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