

11 Repositories
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    Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund Acronyms - Pilot
    • artf
    • donors
    • trust funds
  • Updated over 7 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) - Donor Contributions - BETA
    • afghanistan
    • artf
    • contributions
    • pilot
    • projects
    • + 2
  • Updated over 2 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) Documents - BETA
  • Updated almost 7 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Afghanistan Reconstruction Trust Fund (ARTF) - Project Allocations and Disbursements - BETA
  • Updated 10 days ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Commitments in Trust funds
  • Updated 10 days ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Contributions (Receipts) to Trust Funds
  • Updated 10 days ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Disbursements in Trust Funds
  • Updated over 7 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    IBRD/IDA/IFC Trust Funds - Annual Cash Contributions and Disbursements
  • Updated over 7 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Paid In Contributions to IBRD/IDA/IFC Trust Funds based on FY of Receipt
  • Updated over 7 years ago • Last indexed 4 hours ago
    Recipient-executed Grants - Commitments and Disbursements