Holiday Giving Project Referrals
This dataset shows the number of referrals for assistance through the Holiday Giving Project. The Holiday Giving Project provides Thanksgiving and December holiday assistance to low-income households. A network of social workers, school counselors, and other human service professionals refer families and individuals in need of holiday assistance. Local non-profit agencies, faith-based organizations, service organizations and government agencies come together each year to form the Holiday Giving Project (HGP) Coalition. Member agencies of the HGP Coalition work both collaboratively and independently as local neighborhood coordinators distributing food, gift cards, and toys that come from private and public donations. This dataset provides information on the number of households referred by the program and matched to a coalition member for service based on the household’s zip code. The dataset additionally provides statistics on the number of children and the total number of household members living in the referred households. Note that zip codes with a very small number of referrals have been grouped together. Also note that a number of unmatched households were served through a final County-wide open house event that is not reflected in the dataset. Update frequency: Annually
Querying over HTTP
Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:
curl \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d@-<<EOF {"sql": " SELECT * FROM \"montgomerycountymd-gov/holiday-giving-project-referrals-9vwm-w4vn\".\"holiday_giving_project_referrals\" LIMIT 100 "} EOF
See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.