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Crash Incident Details CY 1997 - Current Annual County Transportation

Crash data reported to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation. Includes data involving drivers, passengers, and motor vehicles for researching highway safety. This data can be used to investigate traffic crashes, fatalities and injuries statewide and in specific counties or municipalities.

An incident that occurs on a highway or traffic way that is open to the public by right or custom and involved

at least one motor vehicle in transport. An incident is reportable if it involves:

Injury to or death of any person, or

Damage to any vehicle to the extent that it cannot be driven under its own power in its

customary manner without further damage or hazard to the vehicle, other traffic elements, or

the roadway, and therefore requires towing.

Crash data does not include non-reportable crashes or near misses

Crash data may not contain complete information, some elements may be unknown

Data fields that may help with CODE4PA 2018 event Leveraging Data to help Fight the Opioid Epidemic

DRUG_RELATED At least one Driver or Pedestrian with Drugs reported or suspected NUMBER

This is a flag that defines whether the crash involved a driver or pedestrian was suspected of using drugs or was actually tested and had drugs in their system. If a driver or pedestrian is suspected and were tested, but the test results show no drugs, this situation would not be included.

DRUGGED_DRIVER At least one Driver with Drugs reported or suspected NUMBER

This flag is similar to drug_related, but it only applies to drivers. It defines whether the crash involved a driver suspected of using drugs or was actually tested and had drugs in their system. If a driver is suspected and were tested, but the test results show no drugs, this situation would not be included.

ILLEGAL_DRUG_RELATED At Least 1 Driver or Pedestrian had reported or suspected Illegal Drug Use NUMBER

This flag is similar to drug_related, but it only applies to illegal drugs. It defines whether the crash involved a driver or pedestrian suspected of using illegal drugs. If a driver is suspected and were tested, but the test results show no drugs, this situation would not be included.

IMPAIRED_DRIVER At least One Driver was Impaired by Drugs or Alcohol NUMBER

This flag is similar to drug_related, but it includes both alcohol and drugs and it only applies to drivers. It defines whether the crash involved a driver suspected of using drugs or alcohol or was actually tested and had drugs or alcohol in their system. If a driver is suspected and were tested, but the test results show no drugs, this situation would not be included.

  • For additional information please review the Crash Data Information pdf attachment in the About This Dataset section of the Primer on this dataset.

Querying over HTTP

Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:

curl \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
{"sql": "
    SELECT *
    FROM \"pa-gov/crash-incident-details-cy-1997-current-annual-dc5b-gebx\".\"crash_incident_details_cy_1997_current_annual\"
    LIMIT 100 

See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.

  • crash_incident_details_cy_1997_current_annual
Upstream Metadata