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Drug and Alcohol Treatment Facilities May 2018 County Drug and Alcohol Programs

This dataset reports the name, street address, city, county, zip code, telephone number, latitude, and longitude of Pennsylvania Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs (DDAP) drug and alcohol treatment facilities in Pennsylvania as of May 2018.

The primary difference between the three types of treatment facilities is their funding. Centers of Excellence (COEs) were grant funded by the Department of Human Services, PacMATs were grant funded by the Department of Health, and all other facilities are funded by either billing insurance or billing the county in the case of uninsured clients.

Programmatically, COEs differ from the other types because they are designed to serve as “health homes” for individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD). This means that the care coordination staff at the COE is charged with coordinating all kinds of health care (physical and behavioral health) as well as recovery support services. They do this by developing hub-and-spoke networks with other healthcare providers and other sources for recovery supports, such as housing, transportation, education and training, etc. All COEs are required to accept Medicaid.

PacMATs also operate in a hub-and-spoke model, but it is different from COEs. PacMATs endeavor to coordinate the provision of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) by identifying a core hub of physicians in a health system that work with other providers in the health system (spokes) to train them about the safe and effective provision of MAT so that there are more providers in a health system that are able to confidently prescribe various forms of MAT. I do not know whether all PacMATs are required to accept Medicaid as a term of their receipt of the grant, but I do know that all currently designated PacMATs are health systems that do accept Medicaid. PacMAT services have been advertised as being available to all people regardless of insurance type, so I assume this means they are required to serve Medicaid clients, commercially insured clients, and uninsured clients. In the PacMAT program the Hub is supported right now by grant funding (in the future funding such as a per patient/per month capitated rate) and the spokes bill insurance (both Medicaid and Commercial)

DDAP facilities may also be designated as COEs and/or PacMATs. If they are, it means they applied for a specific grant fund and have committed to carrying out the activities of the grant described above. To be clear, DDAP does not run any treatment facilities; they license them. These can be MAT providers such as methadone clinics, providers of outpatient levels of care (i.e., more traditional drug and alcohol counseling services) or inpatient levels of care, such as residential rehabilitation programs. Every facility is different in terms of the menu of services it provides. Every facility also gets to decide what forms of payment they will accept. Many accept Medicaid, but not all do. Some only accept private commercial insurance. Some accept payment from the county on behalf of uninsured clients. And some charge their clients cash for services.

Querying over HTTP

Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:

curl \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
{"sql": "
    SELECT *
    FROM \"pa-gov/drug-and-alcohol-treatment-facilities-may-2018-eswt-bam9\".\"drug_and_alcohol_treatment_facilities_may_2018\"
    LIMIT 100 

See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.

  • drug_and_alcohol_treatment_facilities_may_2018
Upstream Metadata