Heading Home Ramsey Homeless Dashboard
These are the measures adopted by the Heading Home Ramsey Governing Board for tracking top level changes in homeless population and outcomes in the homeless services system. This data is used in the Heading Home Ramsey Community Dashboard Measures https://data.ramseycounty.us/stories/s/wwpp-7i2j. Except for the total county population and housing bed counts, all of the data are derived from the homeless management information system, known as HMIS. Not all homeless persons are served by agencies that use HMIS and therefore these measures do not necessarily cover all homeless persons.
Many of the measures separate housing project types (shelter, rapid rehousing, permanent supportive housing) because of the different lengths of service and types of interventions. For definitions of standard project types for homeless services and other terms, see these descriptions at https://www.unitedtoendhomelessness.org/blog/types-of-housing-support-for-the-homeless .
For more information about other homeless data and special reports visit Heading Home Ramsey's visit https://www.headinghomeramsey.org/stats-data.
Querying over HTTP
Splitgraph serves as an HTTP API that lets you run SQL queries directly on this data to power Web applications. For example:
curl https://data.splitgraph.com/sql/query/ddn \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d@-<<EOF {"sql": " SELECT * FROM \"ramseycounty-us/heading-home-ramsey-homeless-dashboard-qdyd-75mw\".\"heading_home_ramsey_homeless_dashboard\" LIMIT 100 "} EOF
See the Splitgraph documentation for more information.