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Query the Data Delivery Network

Query the DDN

The easiest way to query any data on Splitgraph is via the "Data Delivery Network" (DDN). The DDN is a single endpoint that speaks the PostgreSQL wire protocol. Any Splitgraph user can connect to it at and query any version of over 40,000 datasets that are hosted or proxied by Splitgraph.

For example, you can query the daily_fort_collins_openbook_analytics table in this repository, by referencing it like:


or in a full query, like:

    ":id", -- Socrata column ID
    "ga_timeonpage", -- From Google Analytics API: time (in seconds) users spent on a particular page, calculated by subtracting the initial view time for a particular page from the initial view time for a subsequent page. This metric does not apply to exit pages of the property
    "ga_pageviews", -- From Google Analytics API: the total number of pageviews for the property
    "enddate", -- Inclusive end date for analytics capture
    "ga_sessions", -- From Google Analytics API: the total number of sessions
    "ga_users", -- From Google Analytics API: the total number of users for the requested time period
    "meta_row_id", -- Metadata field for record hash. This field is a SHA-1 hash of all other fields in the record, used for validation of record uniqueness.
    "ga_percentnewsessions", -- From Google Analytics API: the percentage of sessions by users who had never visited the property before
    "ga_bouncerate", -- From Google Analytics API: the percentage of single-page session (i.e., session in which the person left the property from the first page)
    "ga_avgsessionduration", -- From Google Analytics API: the average duration (in seconds) of users sessions
    "startdate", -- Inclusive start date for analytics capture
    "url", -- URL of a specific page, or all for all pages in the domain
    "ga_newusers", -- From Google Analytics API: the number of sessions marked as a user's first session. This resets each time period
    "ga_bounces", -- From Google Analytics API: the total number of single page (or single interaction hit) sessions for the property
    "ga_sessionduration", -- From Google Analytics API: total duration (in seconds) of users sessions
    "ga_pageviewspersession", -- From Google Analytics API: the average number of pages viewed during a session, including repeated views of a single page
    "ga_avgtimeonpage", -- From Google Analytics API: the average time users spent viewing this page or a set of pages
    "ga_hits", -- From Google Analytics API: total number of hits for the view (profile). This metric sums all hit types, including pageview, custom event, ecommerce, and other types. Because this metric is based on the view (profile), not on the property, it is not the same as the propertys hit volume
    "meta_row_index" -- Metadata field for a suggested sort order. Sort this column in ascending order to order the dataset the way it was intended from the source system.
LIMIT 100;

Connecting to the DDN is easy. All you need is an existing SQL client that can connect to Postgres. As long as you have a SQL client ready, you'll be able to query opendata-fcgov/daily-fort-collins-openbook-analytics-y7nd-j6up with SQL in under 60 seconds.

This repository is an "external" repository. That means it's hosted elsewhere, in this case at When you queryopendata-fcgov/daily-fort-collins-openbook-analytics-y7nd-j6up:latest on the DDN, we "mount" the repository using the socrata mount handler. The mount handler proxies your SQL query to the upstream data source, translating it from SQL to the relevant language (in this case SoQL).

We also cache query responses on the DDN, but we run the DDN on multiple nodes so a CACHE_HIT is only guaranteed for subsequent queries that land on the same node.

Query Your Local Engine

Install Splitgraph Locally
bash -c "$(curl -sL"

Read the installation docs.

Splitgraph Cloud is built around Splitgraph Core (GitHub), which includes a local Splitgraph Engine packaged as a Docker image. Splitgraph Cloud is basically a scaled-up version of that local Engine. When you query the Data Delivery Network or the REST API, we mount the relevant datasets in an Engine on our servers and execute your query on it.

It's possible to run this engine locally. You'll need a Mac, Windows or Linux system to install sgr, and a Docker installation to run the engine. You don't need to know how to actually use Docker; sgrcan manage the image, container and volume for you.

There are a few ways to ingest data into the local engine.

For external repositories (like this repository), the Splitgraph Engine can "mount" upstream data sources by using sgr mount. This feature is built around Postgres Foreign Data Wrappers (FDW). You can write custom "mount handlers" for any upstream data source. For an example, we blogged about making a custom mount handler for HackerNews stories.

For hosted datasets, where the author has pushed Splitgraph Images to the repository, you can "clone" and/or "checkout" the data using sgr cloneand sgr checkout.

Mounting Data

This repository is an external repository. It's not hosted by Splitgraph. It is hosted by, and Splitgraph indexes it. This means it is not an actual Splitgraph image, so you cannot use sgr clone to get the data. Instead, you can use the socrata adapter with the sgr mount command. Then, if you want, you can import the data and turn it into a Splitgraph image that others can clone.

First, install Splitgraph if you haven't already.

Mount the table with sgr mount

sgr mount socrata \
  "opendata-fcgov/daily-fort-collins-openbook-analytics-y7nd-j6up" \
  --handler-options '{
    "domain": "",
    "tables": {
        "daily_fort_collins_openbook_analytics": "y7nd-j6up"

That's it! Now you can query the data in the mounted table like any other Postgres table.

Query the data with your existing tools

Once you've loaded the data into your local Splitgraph engine, you can query it with any of your existing tools. As far as they're concerned, opendata-fcgov/daily-fort-collins-openbook-analytics-y7nd-j6up is just another Postgres schema.