Splitgraph has been acquired by EDB! Read the blog post.


This section summarizes common problems and potential solutions you might encounter with sgr.

General advice

Run sgr with debug logging

For any issues, running sgr with --verbosity DEBUG will print out extra debug information and full error tracebacks which can help you understand what's going on.

For example:

$ sgr --verbosity DEBUG commit demo/dataset

You can also add SG_LOGLEVEL=DEBUG to your configuration file and inject it into the engine by running sgr engine configure to make the engine write logging information in debug mode as well.

Inspect engine logs

If you're running the engine through the sgr engine wrapper, you can inspect its logs by running:

$ sgr engine log

In other cases, you can inspect the logs of the container that's running the engine directly from Docker:

$ docker logs splitgraph_engine_default   # or other container name

General issues

Layered querying and Splitfile execution takes too long or gets stuck running SQL

It's possible that the engine is downloading objects needed to satisfy the query in the background, which currently doesn't output the progress. Alternatively, the engine might be having some other connection issues.

To check that, inspect the engine logs (sgr engine log).

Type "geometry" does not exist

This happens if you're trying to download a PostGIS-enabled data image with an engine that doesn't support it. To fix this, upgrade your engine to use PostGIS:

$ sgr engine upgrade --image splitgraph/engine:stable-postgis

Then, re-clone the repository.

If there are any consistency issues (e.g. with objects still missing), you can delete the offending repository, clean up loose objects and download it again:

$ sgr rm broken/repository
$ sgr cleanup
$ sgr clone broken/repository

sgr Engine data/metadata is taking up too much space

Check the space that's used by the engine's data (actual Splitgraph object files) and metadata (PostgreSQL table data) by running docker system df -v.

You can also run sgr status to list current repositories and space that they take up.

To free up some space, you can:

  • Uncheckout (sgr checkout -u) some repositories: data stored in PostgreSQL tables takes up more space than when stored as Splitgraph objects.
  • Delete (sgr rm) unneeded repositories or images.
  • Clean up (sgr cleanup) Splitgraph objects that are not linked to any images on your engine.
  • Vacuum the PostgreSQL instance backing the engine: sgr sql --no-transaction "VACUUM FULL". This will delete dead tuples from tables that were checked out and then deleted.

Objects that were downloaded from a different engine or Splitgraph are considered to be cached locally and can be evicted to save space. The default cache size is 10GB and can be changed by changing the SG_OBJECT_CACHE_SIZE configuration flag (in MB). Eviction gets run when objects are downloaded but you can force it by running:

$ sgr eval "object_manager.run_eviction([], required_space=\\
    max(object_manager.get_cache_occupancy() - object_manager.cache_size, 0))"

Waiting for connection...

sgr by default attempts to connect to the engine (and the registry) multiple times to work around transient network issues or wait for engine to start up.

First, run sgr with --verbosity DEBUG to pinpoint what's causing a connection failure. Common issues are:

  • Engine isn't started: check with docker ps or sgr engine status, then start it if needed with Docker or with sgr engine start.
  • Wrong username/password or connection parameters: check them in your .sgconfig:

You can also check the full configuration parameters currently in use by running sgr config.

Windows issues

Password input is echoed and not accepted, other output issues

If you're running sgr in a MINGW terminal (for example, Git Bash), you have to prefix its invocations with winpty to avoid output errors and make sure password inputs work properly.

The simplest way to do this is by adding alias sgr='winpty -Xallow-non-tty sgr' to your .bashrc.

The -Xallow-non-tty flag avoids the issue where winpty fails when piping data (e.g. Splitfiles) directly to sgr but only works on winpty above 0.4.0 (check with --version). For older versions of winpty, you'll have to run sgr without it when piping input to it.

Error: input is not a TTY

This can happen if you're on Windows and are trying to pipe input to sgr that's run through winpty. To solve this, invoke sgr without winpty or run winpty with -Xallow-non-tty

Windows/OSX Docker issues

Windows and OSX run Docker in a virtual machine which can cause various issues when using sgr.

Check your Docker daemon is running:

$ docker info
$ docker run hello-world

Make sure the Docker VM is started and environment is configured:

$ docker-machine start
$ docker-machine env
$ eval $(docker-machine env)

Sometimes the IP address of the Docker VM can change, also changing the IP address of the sgr engine. To fix that, check the IP of the Docker VM:

$ docker-machine ip

Then, make sure the IP address of the engine is the same (check SG_ENGINE_HOST in your .sgconfig file).